Google's Bias Exposed Again: Extreme Left-Leaning Non-Objective Algorithms

News Image By Mac Slavo/ May 14, 2019
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While censoring conservative voices, Google pushes extreme leftist media stories to the top of their "Top Stories." This provides users with articles from left-leaning news organizations such as CNN 62.4 percent of the time while only showing a conservative media outlet's story 11.3% of the time.

We all know Google has been leaning left for a long time, but the bias is not only beginning to become obvious, but they are systematically silencing conservative and libertarian voices with censorship through their algorithms.  

Google balks at the idea that they are censoring, but if they don't want to be accused of silencing dissent, perhaps they should stop silencing dissent.

And that's exactly what Google is doing according to a study by Northwestern University researchers. The researchers conducted an "algorithm audit" of the Google Top Stories box using data from late 2017 to determine the tech giant's role in shaping which news its audience consumes, according to a report by ZeroHedge. 

The Top Stories box - which is the three highlighted articles that appear with images at the top of any Google search - is among the most prominent real estate on the Internet.

The researchers analyzed 30 "hard news" stories per day over a 30-day period, resulting in 6,302 links to various articles. The results indicate that liberal publications were prominently featured in Google's Top Stories box -- with CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post combining for a whopping 23 percent of Top Stories appearances during the sample period.

Links to the far-left mainstream media outlet CNN appeared in 10.9 percent of searches, while The New York Times made up 6.5 percent. By comparison, links to Fox News articles only appeared in 3 percent of the researchers' searches. "We observed a left-leaning ideological skew in Google's selection of sources, only slightly exacerbating the background baseline of media we measured," researchers Daniel Trielli and Nicholas Diakopoulos wrote.

This isn't exactly new information either.  Google was caught promoting positive stories about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election while hiding any negative information about the Democrat from the public.

Hillary Clinton may have lost by a substantially larger margin had Google not manipulated the search results in her favor. Even trending negative searches about the corrupt democrat were suppressed. According to an exclusive by Breitbart, the conclusions are based on 16 months of experiments conducted with a total of 1,800 people from all 50 U.S. states. 

Participants in the study came from diverse ideological backgrounds, including liberal, conservative, and moderate. In order to control prior biases, participants were asked to judge political candidates that they were unfamiliar with.


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The research showed that the manipulation of results pages in search engines can shift the voting preferences of undecideds by anywhere between 20 and 80 percent, depending on the demographic -meaning Google was attempting to rig the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton.

The research conducted on Google spanning stories about the 2016 election was incredibly biased back then.  Google has been silencing conservative voices and dissent and all those who don't lean left for longer than anyone is comfortable admitting. 

They have also been successful at brainwashing users into voting against their conscience.  Meaning Google is manipulating and meddling in the elections and the democratic process liberals hold so near and dear to their hearts. (You still can't find a leftist that doesn't believe Russia interfered with the 2016 election.)

The voting preferences of participants who saw no search suggestions shifted toward the favored candidate by 37.1%. The voting preferences of participants in the search suggestion groups who saw only positive search suggestions shifted similarly (35.6%). 

However, the voting preferences of participants who saw three positive search suggestions and one negative search suggestion barely shifted (1.8%); this occurred because the negative search suggestion attracted more than 40% of the clicks (negativity bias). 

In other words, a single negative search suggestion can impact opinions dramatically. Participants who were shown four negative suggestions (and no positives) shifted away from the candidate shown in the search bar (-43.4%). -Epstein, Mohr, & Martinez, The Search Suggestion Effect, 2018

Google censorship is similar to book burnings.  It has never been about stopping "fake news" but about silencing and censoring those who are even remotely anti-establishment.

The things that are going to be blocked are not going to be fake stories. The things that are going to be blocked and censored, the things they are going to keep from people is going to be stuff they just don't want you to focus on or know about. 

Originally published at - reposted with permission.

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