Temple Institute To Jews Worldwide: Build The 3rd Temple
By Breaking Israel NewsAugust 08, 2019
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The Temple Institute has released a powerful new video to awaken world Jewry and reframe the traditional period of mourning into one of preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Holy Temple.
Although millions of Jews worldwide will fast on the Ninth of Av (observed this year on August 11st) and strictly adhere to the other halachic requirements of mourning the destruction of the two Holy Temples, for too many the concept of rebuilding the Temple is like a far-away dream. These are the people the Temple Institute wishes to awaken from their slumber.
The video is the seventh in the series which began as the 'Children are Ready' which has accumulated over 1 million views on the Temple Institute's YouTube page. See below:
The video challenges the viewers' preconceptions of Tisha B'Av as a day of eternal mourning, evoking Isaiah's promise that the Third Temple is the secret of world peace and harmony and the hope of all mankind: "And is shall be at the end of days, that the mountain of the Temple of Hashem will be firmly established as the head of the mountains, and it will be exalted above all the hills, and all the nations will stream to it."
The video presents a dramatic twist from the usual Tisha B'Av messages of mourning. The Institute's goal is to emotionally shake up Orthodox Jewish communities worldwide by reframing the holiday, focusing away from the past and towards the future.
"The idea is for people to focus on the true meaning of Tisha B'Av," said Rabbi Chaim Richman, international director of the Temple Institute. "Tisha B'Av is not about just mourning, it is about acting to bring the Holy Temple back to the world - a 'House of prayer for all nations.
Every year, millions of Jews worldwide robotically observe the mourning rituals of the three weeks, nine days and Tisha B'Av as if nothing has changed in the last century.
Meanwhile, we are losing our connection to the Temple Mount because most of Orthodox Jewry have ignored the fact that it has been in Jewish hands for five decades.
It's time to vote with our feet and send a clear message to the world that we truly believe that the Temple Mount is ours and we truly hope and pray for a time of unparalleled world peace and harmony with the re-building of the Third Temple.
This new video is an emotional and visual tool to awaken world Jewry this Tisha B'Av and have them internalise the message that the dream of 2000 years is finally within our reach."
The Temple Institute is the center of research and preparation for the Holy Temple.
In addition to educational activity focused on the centrality of the Temple Mount and Holy Temple, they have also recreated over 60 sacred vessels for use in the Third Holy Temple, which can be seen at their Visitors Center in the Old City of Jerusalem.