A New Global Club Of 10 Nations - Precursor To The Beast Of Revelation?

News Image By PNW Staff June 01, 2020
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The United Kingdom has proposed a plan to create a new club of democratic nations to address the reliance of the world on Chinese technology partners for 5G.  

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed the dangers of relying on outside sources for infrastructure needs but more importantly to many nations is the security risk associated with giving Chinese tech companies so much control over what many believe will be a new technology boom reaching every aspect of our lives. 

5G technology will do much more than just give us faster download speeds and low latency. Through it's increased capacity and connectivity for billions of devices—especially in the areas of virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence it has the potential to create a network that can connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices. 

Those countries who can create the infrastructure and roll it out nationwide first have the greater potential to lead in many areas that will have global implications for decades to come.

Such fears have led the US in recent months to take action against Huawei, China's first global tech brand and a maker of network equipment and smartphones. It is now prevented from doing business in the US, as it believes the company is being used by the Chinese leadership to serve their interest instead of the countries it is building it for.  

The UK has also launched an inquiry into Huawei’s involvement in the country’s mobile network upgrade in the wake of US sanctions against the company and has now proposed a far more reaching solution - the 'D10'.

The 'D10' club of democratic partners, which would include G7 countries – UK, US, Italy, Germany, France, Japan and Canada – plus Australia, South Korea and India would aim to create alternative suppliers of 5G equipment and other technologies to avoid relying on China.

These 10 members represent more than 50% of the worlds Gross Domestic Product and would certainly have the economic power to make changes on a global scale. While it is unlikely at this point in time, should these 10 countries create a more permanent and long lasting alliance beyond responding to the 5G issue it would represent one of the most powerful economic alliances in the history of our world.

This proposed club of nations demonstrates that when their is common cause, countries can come together in times of difficulty or crisis.  The initial formation of the G7 came about in response to economic crisis of the past.  The current economic crises caused by COVID-19 could certainly still result in some global alliances as the world looks to unify it's response and policies to deal with a crisis that is far from over.

Why should any of this matter to the Christian? Beyond the current geo-political and technological implications, there is a pattern developing here that is worth noting in terms of a Biblical context that gives us a foreshadowing of things yet to come.

The book of Revelation in the New Testament and the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament detail a final alliance of nations that will consist of 10 kings or 10 nations, some of which many prophecy experts believe will include portions of what used to be the Roman Empire.  It is out of this 10 kingdom alliance that the Antichrist comes to power and begins his reign that is elaborated upon in detail in the book of Revelation.  

Interestingly enough Revelation describes how the the Kings of the East (China?) will trouble this global leader and that he eventually marches upon the Middle East for a final conflict where they will meet - resulting in what is often referred to as Armageddon and climaxes with Christ's Second Coming.

While this current conflict over 5G technology may seem like a far cry from the descriptions in Revelation, it still serves as a reminder how quickly our world can change and how our history can often build upon previous actions, similar to how WW2 was built on the foundations of WW1.  Precedent setting events such as this new D10 alliance can create patterns for the future and we should be paying attention or at the very least - be reminded to understand what our Bible teaches does teach us in regards to "last things'.

Who are the nations involved, what is the timeline, what technologies does the Bible describe being used at this time in history?  What is the role of Israel (does Trumps peace plan fit the prophecy of Daniel 9:27?)  We should not be caught unaware of the importance of world developments in relationship to Bible Prophecy. However, such a study of these topics requires a commitment of time to explore these important issues.

For a more detailed chapter by chapter look at the book of Revelation and what could be on our near horizon we recommend the "Decoding The Future DVD Series" - currently on sale.  To learn more please click here.

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