Another Israeli Lawmaker Enters Temple Mount, Calls For Building 3rd Temple

News Image By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Breaking Israel News December 29, 2020
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A new Member of Knesset, a resident of the Golan, firmly established his political path with a powerful act of faith by praying on the Temple Mount.


Likud won 36 seats In the last elections but recent infighting led to longtime Likudnik Gideon Sa'ar breaking away to form his own party. Rather than weaken the party, the move allowed new and enthusiastic members to step into the breach.  

Nissim Vaturi, as the 40th candidate on the Likud list, stepped up, representing a unique and necessary voice in the government. Sworn in two weeks ago, Vaturi made a bold declaration of his intentions by ascending to the Temple Mount on Sunday and praying. 

"This was my first time on the Temple Mount," Vaturi told Israel365News. "I wanted to go sooner, but since I was sworn in two weeks ago, I haven't had a free moment. I felt it was important for my new function to connect to the source, the basis of our sanctity as a nation. 

The Knesset is based in the Biblical mandate to establish an assembly of leaders. It is, of course, different than what we had in the Bible but someone who represents Israel cannot be disconnected from the Creator. We are all anticipating the Redemption. This is far more important than anything material."

Vaturi, religiously observant, admitted that the experience was powerfully personal but he took the opportunity to make a nationalist expression.

"I was fortunate to pray and to also say the shema (the one-line declaration of God's kingship). I don't know if they allowed it just because I am an MK but to cover my eyes and to recite that basic and all-encompassing prayer. Nonetheless, it is disturbing that we are not really expressing our rights as was hoped when we first returned to the site in 1967."


"In the Holy Name and for the Holy Presence, in His mercy, and for the sake of all Israel, behold, we are about to perform the Mitzvah (Torah commandment) of turning to the Temple, as it is written, 'There you are to go'."

This is taken from a verse in Deuteronomy:

But look only to the site that Hashem your God will choose amidst all your tribes as His habitation, to establish His name there. There you are to go. Deuteronomy 12:5

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"On the merit of this act, may we merit full Redemption and may we merit redeeming this place for the Shechina (holy presence) to dwell, and to build the Holy Temple quickly and in our days."


Vaturi is the second Likud Knesset member to not only enter the Temple Mount, but to call for the construction of the third Temple this month. 

Earlier in December, Israel365News reported that fellow Likud parliamentarian Amit Halevi lit Chanukah candles on Tuesday outside of the Temple Mount and said that step-by-step, Israel is getting closer to the Temple. 

Vaturi then recited the 'Shehecheyanu" blessing which is recited upon auspicious and joyous occasions.

"It is the right of every Jew to be able to go anywhere in the Holy Land, especially in the Holy city of Jerusalem, this place where we were before anyone else."

Originally published at Breaking Israel News - reposted with permission.

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