This Is Not Normal - The Booming Transgender Accessories Industry Shows Us Why

News Image By Jonathon Van Maren/ January 29, 2021
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Trans kids are so trendy these days that the hapless Elizabeth Warren promised she'd have one approve her Education Secretary, and President Joe Biden torched female athletics with a radical executive order that should jolt any of those gullible innocents who were sure he'd be a "moderate Democrat," a long-extinct species hunted to death by zealous progressives.

Trans kids, of course, need accessories, since they weren't born with the ones that fit the gender as which they wish to present. A cottage industry to service this need has popped up, with "packers" for girls who identify as boys to put in their underwear to mimic a penis (the sophisticated ones are advertised as capable of permitting gender dysphoric girls to pee standing up just like a real boy); binders, which girls can use to flatten their breasts and present as male prior to obtaining double mastectomies; and a wide range of carefully tailored apparel.

The newest of these clothing brands is called Rubies, produced by a Toronto dad, Jamie Alexander. Alexander's child was born male. He began identifying as female in third grade and adopted the name Ruby. According to Alexander, Ruby had a hard time finding "bikini bottoms that made her feel both comfortable and confident as a transgender girl," Today reported. This, obviously, is because revealing female swimwear does not hide male genitalia effectively. Thus, the new clothing brand was born -- to much media acclaim.

We used to say: Be who you are -- be comfortable in your body! Now we design entire clothing lines to help children conceal their bodies and present as a different gender.

Reading media coverage of the transgender kids trend always strikes me as particularly tragic. Today's coverage is a good example of this, describing the creation of this new line as having "the specific goal of producing form-fitting clothing for transgender children up to a size 20. 

His first product: the Ruby Shaping Bikini Bottom." In short: A bikini bottom that hides a penis. As Alexander's website notes, these bikini bottoms "magically turn a pointy poker into a dainty dune, no tucking required."

According to Alexander, these form-fitting bottoms are unique because they use spandex with a mesh liner "that is able to gently compress and 'pull things in' without causing discomfort." Read that one more time and consider what is being advertised here. What are we doing to these kids?

If you're wondering what progressives are talking about when they say they want "normalcy," this is it. Jessica Herthel, the co-author of the transgender children's book I Am Jazz, noted that this new clothing line will be "a total game-changer for transgender and gender-creative children ... to go swimming without fear of being stared at or teased or even targeted can give a child a feeling of normalcy and belonging."

Alexander concurred, saying that he wanted to assist in ensuring that it soon seems normal for kids to be transgender. "I want to focus on the positive stories about these kids and normalize them," he told Today.

One of the difficulties for social conservatives in the days ahead is that increasingly, conservatives and progressives no longer speak the same language. When we speak of normalcy, we are referring to something markedly different than trans activists. 

Their version of "normal" includes clothing lines that hide the presence of a penis; packers that mimic the presence of a penis; binders that disguise breasts; surgeries that create facsimile chest mounds.

This is not normal, and we must resist every attempt to make it so. That is why we must pay attention to these trends and what these activists are saying -- because one minute it is a trend, the next it is law, and finally, it is taught in the schools -- and our children are swept along.

Originally published at The Bridgehead - reposted with permission.

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