Why Everyone Should Take a Tech Break

People use technology every day,
and it has many benefits. But, the world is developing an unhealthy attachment
to it. Cell phone addiction is becoming common in our society. Over 60% of
cellphone users cannot go a day without their phones. Plus, they keep checking
for alerts, messages, or calls even when the phone does not vibrate or ring.
Plus, almost half of the cell phone owners sleep with their phones in bed to
ensure they do not miss any calls. However, statistics do not need to predict
the level of addiction people have to technology. But, it is vital to remember
technology addiction is powerful, but there is a choice to unplug. Those who
are wise, know when to find space and fight this addiction. Below are reasons
why everyone should take a tech break. To combat the fear of missing
out When you unplug from technology,
you deal with the fear of missing out. According to science, the fear of
missing out is an emerging psychological disorder due to increasing addiction
to technology. Social media streams are full of what is happening around us.
What people are eating, the latest travels, pranks and surprises, and this
stream of notification makes the fear of being left out grow. Therefore, it is
vital to turn off social media and live in the moment. To promote creation over
consumption People spend most of their time
consuming or creating. In some cases, tech consumption can be good if you
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a documentary film. Technology also supports creating for you can write your
novel or article using a computer. But, most of the time, we are using it for
consuming, listening to music, playing a video, browsing the internet. Yet, our
world needs more creating than consuming. It requires unique contributions and
solutions. Thus, power down and start contributing to a better world. Unplugging helps to remove
unhealthy feelings
Feelings of envy, jealousy, and
loneliness happen after one in three people visit a social media page, making
them feel less satisfied with their lives. It is a frightening piece of
research as much as not every Facebook interaction is a negative one. From body
image to family happiness to vacation destinations, the opportunity of envy
presents itself all the time on social media. So, powering down for some time
is vital to refocus and reset. And be grateful for
the lives we have. In this way, you remember how to be happy without
using the screens. Life is about meeting face to
face The resources online help us to
evolve and grow. You will meet and make a lot of friends online, among many
other enriching connections. But, no matter how much people interact with
others online. There is something fantastic and unique about meeting in flesh
and eye contact. It
is a lovely experience to meet and have eye contact with someone instead of
through screens. Thus, when you take a tech break, you enjoy the fulfilling
relationships of what is in front of you with no filters and one-on-one
conversations. To find and enjoy solitude In an always-connected world, it
is harder to find solitude. Solitude provides the quiet and stillness to
reflect and evaluate our lives and grounds us to the world around us. Plus, the
need for solitude is more apparent in a world where the noise is louder and
quicker than ever. To experience true solitude requires an individual to be intentional.
In this way, an individual can shut off the screens and the noise. Plus, the
best of life is happening right in front of you. The world may change, but the
true nature of life will not. You understand technology
addiction The only way an individual can
understand technology addiction is through taking a break from it. People who
take this tech break learn a lot about themselves. For instance, they know how
addicting technology can be and how it is affecting their lives. Therefore, if
you want to know how controlling and influencing technology is to your life,
turn it off and walk away. In no time, you will feel the strong pull to have it
back on.