The Scary Coincidence Between Crisis Simulations & Real World Events

News Image By Activist Post May 19, 2021
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In the lead up to a major crisis one often finds a simulation of that crisis to have been recently and quietly carried out by the state and other actors in high places. Sometimes, to make matters even stranger, these simulations occur as the real crisis is unfolding. Ultimately, those simulating the disaster go on to manage the real thing, which begs the question: when does a coincidence stop being a coincidence?

In the wake of 9/11, George Bush famously said that nobody could have "envisioned flying airplanes into buildings" to justify his regime's failure to thwart the attacks. This was of course wildly untrue as numerous agencies had simulated this event numerous times as recently as August 2001. 

On the day of 9/11 there were numerous operations simulating terrorist attacks being run around the country. When the air traffic control in Boston first reported that a hijacked plane was headed for New York and they needed F16s scrambled, the responder infamously asked, "Is this real-world or exercise?"

Years later in London a very similar situation played out. On the morning of July 7, 2005 four suicide bombings occurred on four Underground trains across the city. Meanwhile, a crisis management firm run by a self-styled terror expert was running a simulation in which bombs went off in the same Underground stations at the same time the real attacks were taking place.

As autumn set in across the northern hemisphere in 2019 there was a simulation being run in New York City where a novel coronavirus was spreading throughout the world. Event 201, as it was called, was hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and included representatives from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, CDC, UN, and a former CIA spook. All of these agencies and organizations would go on to play major roles in the handling of the so-called pandemic that crippled the planet in 2020.

What has followed from each of these simulations and real-world events have been paradigm-shifting changes in society.

9/11 ushered in the security state with the purported free world seeing civil liberties and freedom dismantled while hell was unleashed across the developing world in the name of combating terrorism. The bombings on 7/7 and many other terror-related events would reinforce the need for bureaucracies to grow and the war machine to march on over the years. 

Defense contractors, weapons manufacturers, and the otherwise well connected lined their pockets in the aftermath. The state continued to sprawl in size and seized more control over the lives of its citizens as it slithered along.

Today we are witnessing a transition, or perhaps a merger, as the national security state becomes the biosecurity state. The erection of the security state apparatus which included militarized police, biometric data collection, and relentless propaganda only needs the slightest tweaking to maintain its purpose in this new era. 

The public is once again living through mass hysteria as they face a virus that arguably poses no greater risk to them than being the victim of a terrorist attack did two decades ago. Afghanistan and Iraq are still occupied twenty years later, and newer conflicts in Yemen and Syria have since begun in the name of fighting the global war on terror.  

If people like CFR member Juliette Kayyem and the Bill and Melinda Gates funded Peter Hotez get their way, the tactics used to combat Islamic terror can be applied to those who uphold their bodily autonomy.

The biosecurity state is just one small part of the agenda that is unfolding in the age of vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and masks. When the World Economic Forum (WEF) met in June 2020 for their 50th annual meeting they promoted their idea of The Great Reset which aims to reshape society in almost every conceivable way, from energy consumption and urban life to education and human rights. 

This new era has already dawned as society begins to harness the innovations of the largely post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution according to comic supervillain impersonator and WEF CEO, Klaus Schwab.

The folks at the World Economic Forum, apparently not busy enough uprooting the global order, held another simulation around the same time named Cyber Polygon 2020 in which participants roleplayed preventing a "digital pandemic" which would largely target the health and financial industries. 

This year's version sees the WEF partnering with Russia's Sberbank, its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZONE, and INTERPOL to simulate responses to two cyberattacks which showcase how "a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect."

When an organization like the WEF has a short-lived but prophetic habit of simulating catastrophes which quickly come to pass, it behooves one to pay attention. This is doubly so when a "cyber 9/11" has been on the minds of those in Washington since the towers went down and Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig has confirmed that a digital version of the Patriot Act is just waiting in the wings. 

"I had dinner once with Richard Clarke at the table," he told the crowd at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference. "And I said, 'Is there an equivalent to the Patriot Act -- an iPatriot Act -- just sitting, waiting for some substantial event? Just waiting for them to come have the excuse for radically changing the way the Internet works?' And he said, 'Of course there is' -- and I swear this is what he said -- 'and Vint Cerf is not going to like it very much.'"

With this in mind, we must look back over the past couple of months at several events which nearly had the domino effect that the WEF is preparing for.

In 2020 it was discovered that a worldwide data breach had been ongoing for eight or nine months and had compromised data held by the U.S. government, NATO, European Parliament, Microsoft, Cisco, Belkin and others. This past week the southern U.S. suffered a brief gas shortage when a ransomware attack caused the Colonial Pipeline Company to halt all of the pipeline's operations to contain the attack. Though both incidents have been contained so far, it's easy to see how such attacks could be the one which bring down the global order. 

With health care systems around the world "on the brink of collapse" due to the coronavirus once again, the U.S. dollar inflating, a major bridge over which much of the U.S's agricultural products flow being shut down, and a war in Israel going hot, there are no shortages of places to look for potential disaster.

It makes perfect sense that those in both the public and private sectors spend time training for a crisis. Even if a calamitous event only happens once in a generation it is better to be prepared than unprepared. But what happens when the ones doing the preparing also have the most to gain from the disaster?

This conflict of interest historically holds little promise for the public who suffer through war and poverty while the social engineers continue to amass wealth and centralize power. 

If the past year has taught us anything it is that this group has a grim plan for humanity that is only just getting started. If we allow their agenda to unfold as the Cyber Polygon 2021 draws near, we can expect a calamitous summer in which The Great Reset marches on.

This year, Cyber Polygon 2021 will simulate a fictional cyber attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to "a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time."

Will Cyber Polygon 2021 be as precisely predictive as past simulations?

Here is some recent video promotions from the World Economic Forum planning for Cyber Polygon:

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