Spiritual Growth: How To Find Your Purpose In Life

When we talk
about spiritual growth, many things may come into mind, but to put all
perspectives on level ground, spiritual growth pertains to the particular
process of casting our faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. When we let
go of our secular thoughts, ideas, and beliefs and offer our victories and
losses to the Lord, we gain growth in our spirituality. It is the way
of living a God-centered life, the awakening of our slumbering consciousness
beyond our ordinary existence, and the unraveling of our purpose in this vast
universe. While you
find the sense in your existence, read further as you gain confidence to
comprehend the unfathomable truth of your life. Growing Spiritually To find the
true meaning in your life, you must first grow your spirituality. You must
remember that you need to draw strength, encouragement, and inspiration for an
infinite source who is God. Click here to know more about the redemptive
love of the Lord to help you build a strong spiritual relationship with
Him. Meditation Meditating is
one good way of denying your truth and acknowledging the presence of a higher
being that orchestrates everything around us, from the flowers that bloom to
the strongest typhoon that men have ever witnessed. Meditating
also enables people to let go of inhibitions and past hurts and helps them
focus on the present and the things that will most likely contribute to finding
their unique purpose in life. Ultimately,
meditation enables you to rewire your mind and strengthen your spiritual
connection with the Lord. This unbreakable relationship will allow you to think
better and have a brighter perspective on life. Prayer Praying is
the most efficient way of communicating with our God. Through prayers, you can
seek help whenever things seem insurmountable despite giving everything you
have. It is also through prayers that you can give thanks to our mighty Creator
for all the good things you experience in life. Building your
spirituality through prayer and making it a good foundation for finding your
meaning here on earth is the best way to know that you have chosen the right
path to pursue your identifying purpose in life. Check over here to find out how prayers can be as
powerful as any tool that you can use to grow your spirituality. Having Faith Growing
spiritually means that you rely not on your earthly understanding and
comprehend all the things that happened in your life have a reason. It
acknowledges that every downfall is the leverage for anyone to achieve that
specific purpose that God has given. Having faith
in the Lord is unburdening yourself from the problems beyond your control. It
affirms that God takes control of your life during the most challenging times.
In addition, accepting the truth that no matter how hard you try, the will of
our Creator still has the last say. Acceptance of
the truth enables you to grow spiritually and will save you from becoming
clouded by your thoughts. Removing Your Negative Thoughts in Life As your
spirituality grows, you must also unshackle yourself from the negative thoughts
that inhibit you from discovering your full potential. You should
understand that the way you think will completely change whatever outcome lies
ahead. In addition, negative thinking will strengthen evil and will most likely
discourage you from discovering the actual purpose God has commanded you to do. Training Your Mind by Focusing on the Bright Side Studies
suggest that adopting a positive outlook in life may improve your health and
overall well-being and may even extend your life. Focusing on
the brighter side seems to be impossible, especially when facing the most
turbulent moment in life; there are actual proven ways to help your mind focus
on the good things rather than the bad ones, and here are some of the
following: Be Easy on Yourself Take care of
your physical body through exercise, getting enough sleep, and eating
healthily. Being easy on oneself also requires forgiveness over past mistakes
and shortcomings. Act Small Doing the
small things will have a snowball effect and will meaningfully contribute to
the good of the many. Emphasis on the Good Concentrate
on the things that have brought happiness and joy and keep track of it through
daily journaling. Learning What to Appreciate About Yourself As you find
your purpose, it is important that you love and appreciate all the things about
you first before focusing on becoming a hero for others. Remember to fortify
the things that make you as a whole and do not allow the things around you to
dictate your direction. To understand
your sole purpose in life, you must become holistic and seek answers within
yourself. Find the things that come naturally to you, and simultaneously, step
out of your comfort zone and discover the things that pique your interest. Building Good Habits Firstly, do
not mistake good habits for routines as these are two different things. A habit
occurs without conscious thoughts, while routines are deliberate acts that will
eventually die out if not sustained. Secondly,
building habits will help you appreciate the things about yourself and will set
you up to shape your attitude, decision-making capabilities, and actions that
significantly impact different facets of your life. Finding Out More of What You Can Do Stepping out
of your comfort zone and discovering the things that you can do will allow you
to become more aware of yourself and to evolve into a person that is impactful
to multitudes of individuals surrounding you. From a
scientific standpoint, stepping out of comfort and finding out more about
yourself will put you in a prominent area referred to as “optimal anxiety.” It
is when your mental state will achieve its peak and will lead to significant
benefits like life productivity, adaptability, creativity, and many more. Final Thoughts All of these
things will put you one step closer to achieving that God-centered purpose in
life. However, upon doing all these, always remember that our purpose in life
should be dynamic and must evolve as we grow up. Whether we drift through time
or seek eternal guidance and strength from the Lord, our mighty orchestrator,
it is at our discretion.