Top Instagram Tips You Need To Know To Grow Your Fashion Business

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Instagram is easily one of the best social media platforms for any fashion business looking to increase brand awareness and looking to grow their business. Marketing via Instagram has become so essential for any business and brand because it has tight-knit communities and it's a visual showcase platform.

If you are aiming to increase your fashion business on Instagram, you'll want to follow some of the top tips mentioned below.

1. Always Strive For Consistency

One of the most important things everyone must do to achieve success with Instagram is to post consistently. You need to aim to post content daily. Your followers will want to know what to expect from you. It's always a good idea to be consistent with your posts. Try to post at the same time every day so your community knows when they should expect something from you. Having a consistent posting schedule can help you increase engagement. If you go too long between your posts, you will have a major dropoff in followers and engagement. You also want to stick to a consistent post frequency so your followers know how much content they should expect from your account.

2. Hashtags

Hashtags are often either underutilized or improperly utilized in marketing. A lot of brands simply do not leverage the full power of hashtags. They are typically so important to your success that they are referred to as the "holy grail" of the platform. A hashtag can help you create better brand recognition and it can even help you identify brand new target audiences. You want to use hashtags as a way to expand your audience and get more people to find your content through related hashtag searches. You want to stick to using both popular and relevant hashtags whenever possible on your posts. You can create specific hashtags for branding, but if you're using hashtags for outreach, try to research the most popular hashtags among your target audience.

3. Timing Is Everything

You need to have good timing if you want your post to reach as many people as possible. Believe it or not, a lot of quality content gets ignored every day because the creator didn't pay attention to the timing of delivery. You need to be posting when your target audience is most active. You want to ensure you are posting your best content during prime time. You can figure out what the best time is for your posts by doing the research and split testing yourself.

In most cases, prime time on Instagram is usually around 5 pm. This is generally when a lot of people spend some time on social media after a long work day or a long day at school. Another good time to post content would be right before people get to work around 8 to 9:30 in the morning. This can be a good time because people are generally waking up and scrolling through social media before they head off for the day. By posting outside of traditional work hours, you can maximize your reach. You can even schedule posts during the lunch hours to try to hit your audience while they are on their lunch break. However, it's best to stick to making your best posts during prime time when you know you will have a lot of your target audiences' undivided attention.

4. Create Unique Content

You need to focus on crafting the most unique content possible. There is so much content on the Internet nowadays. You need to create content that stands out from the rest. You want to create high-quality content that is unique and that sets itself apart from the other content out there. Read these reviews from happy clients of Social Plus - “We bought Insta comments from Social Plus”. They  increased their following with amazing content and boosted their following with comments.

5. Videos Are King

Video content has become the preferred content for many. It's always been an integral component of a highly effective social media mix. However, it's grown in importance in recent years. Video content is such a good option for brands because it allows you to tell stories and create narratives. It also helps you reach much more of a targeted audience. You can create the voice of your brand through video much easier than through pictures alone.

It's also a good way to deliver extended content about your fashion brand. It helps you position your brand as much more of being a part of a specific community. You can get more people involved with your brand and establish much more brand loyalty by letting people get a look behind the scenes. It can be used for product teasers and more. There are plenty of ways to effectively leverage the power of video and it can be a great way to get your content to go viral. People generally feel more connected with brands that use video effectively in their marketing strategy.

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