Dems Are All-In On Gender Ideology As 'Women' No Longer Can Be Identified

News Image By Jonathon Van Maren/ March 25, 2022
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President Joe Biden's nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States is everything you thought she'd be. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who will likely replace Justice Stephen Breyer, has the support of progressives across the country. 

Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser noted that Jackson is "backed by many of America's most radical pro-abortion groups" as well as "on record opposing the free speech rights of pro-life advocates pleading to save lives outside abortion cetners and supporting the false claim that abortion is 'health care.'"

That, of course, is no surprise. Biden is the most pro-abortion president in American history, and he wanted to appoint a young, black Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- a reliable liberal who will be on the Court for decades. 

There was never any doubt that whoever Biden picked would be a staunch supporter of abortion, and presumably the entire LGBT agenda. After three consecutive GOP Court picks and the possibility that Roe v. Wade may be imminently overturned, progressives want a radical justice.

There was one moment during the confirmation hearings, however, that was unprecedented. Sen. Marsha Blackburn asked Judge Jackson if she could define the word "woman." 

Blackburn: "Can you provide a definition for the word 'woman'?"

Jackson: "Can I provide a definition? No. I can't."

Blackburn: "You can't?"

Jackson: "Not in this context. I'm not a biologist."

Blackburn: "The word 'woman' is so unclear and controversial that you can't give me a definition?"

Jackson: "Senator, in my work as a judge what I do is I address disputes. If there's a dispute about a definition people make arguments and I look at the law and I decide."

Blackburn: "The fact that you can't give me a straight answer about something as fundamental as what a woman is underscores the dangers of the kind of progressive education that we are hearing about. Just last week an entire generation of young girls watched our tax-funded institutions permit a biological man to compete and beat and biological a woman in the NCAA swimming championships. What message do you think this sends to girls who aspire to compete and win in sports at the highest levels?"

Jackson, of course, dodged that question. The moment was largely overlooked, but it was an extraordinary one. One woman asked another woman what a woman is, and she could not answer. For all of human history prior to 15 minutes ago, the answer would have been: "An adult human female." 

Not a difficult answer, surely. But because men with male genitals are identifying as women and are winning top sports prizes and breaking women's records and managing to get "Woman of the Year" awards, no progressive judge like Jackson publicly state that a woman is an "adult human female."

It doesn't really matter if Jackson believes that definition personally. To get confirmed by the Democrats, she had to dodge the question, because the Democrats are all in on gender ideology. They support a third-tier male swimmer cleaning house and stealing prizes from female swimmers. 

They support changing the entire system from government identification to compulsory pronoun usage to cater to the delusions of gender dysphoric men. They support sending men who identify as women into female prisons, where vulnerable women find themselves locked in with sexual predators. The transgender movement has conquered them totally.

In March of 2022, a female Republic senator asked a female Democratic Supreme Court nominee to define the word "woman," and the female nominee could not -- or would not -- do so. I think that looking back one day, we will see this moment as a profoundly significant one.

Originally published at The Bridgehead - reposted with permission.

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