The Currency Reset Is Coming - 90% Of Nations Planning Digital Currency

News Image By Kit Knightly/Activist Post May 10, 2022
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A new report from the Bank for International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC):

Nine out of 10 central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and more than half are now developing them or running concrete experiments. In particular, work on retail CBDCs has moved to more advanced stages

This echoes a March report from the IMF, which claimed over one hundred nations are at least in the planning stages of releasing their own CBDC.

You can read the entire IMF report here, or a summary published by Bloomberg here.

It seems programs of government-issued digital money have been gaining momentum all around the world since at least 2020, and apparently, now they exist in over half the countries on the planet.

The newest of these – Brazil and Namibia – announced their plans only last month.

As with all globalist agendas, the push for CBDCs is always part of 'the current thing'.

First, it was a response to Covid. Then they could help us halt climate change. Then they’re a response to the war in Ukraine.

Using that method they have moved from a barely-discussed fringe idea to regular mainstream coverage and 90% of the world trying them out, all within the space of a couple of years.

Interestingly, while CBDCs are being talked about more and more, there is one specific feature of them which is being talked about less and less: Programmability.

Programmability is a major feature of digital currency which would allow the issuer to set limits and controls over its use.

Essentially, any CBDC would give either the state, the central bank or the corporation issuing the money as wages the power to control how and where the money is spent.

The end of economic freedom is coming and it's coming soon on a global scale.


Bible prophecy scholars have long warned that the scripture foretells a day when a global leader (AKA The Antichrist) will be able to control what you buy and sell with his 'mark'.  The idea that money itself could be programmable so that only those 'loyal' can spend it or restricting the ability of commercial transactions to those with religious or political allegiance is a scary layer to this future scenario that is only now revealing itself.

Learn more about what the Bible says about our prophetic future from some of the world's top prophecy scholars at the Homeward Bound Prophecy Conference.  Participate from anywhere in the world via livestream.  A special discount is available for PNW subscribers by entering "PNW2022" at the checkout page.  Conference details click here


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