Romance, Religion And The Universal Language Of Love

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Romance, Religion And The Universal Language Of Love

The language of love is universal. Sometimes, depending on where you are in the world, the expression of love is different, but the fundamental principles of the language of love are the same. It's the harmony between two people, a group of people, or even a nation signifying unity. Romance and religion often intertwine, with many romantic ideations stemming from religious backgrounds.

However, you celebrate and honor love, the universal language, and what it means to love someone is the same. Let's look at how different religions embrace romance and the universal language of love.


The religion of Judaism is underpinned by a love of people and the natural world. Judaism values every soul because they are human, and the unity of two souls is a beautiful harmony in the eyes of the religion. The religion believes they should always put others before themselves, showing respect, empathy, kindness, and compassion. When this comes to loving a significant other, it means devotion and value. Judaism really values the power of love between a man and a woman - showering with gifts like the chai necklace, celebrating Tu B'Av, and celebrating pure love.


Muslims believe that god is so loving that he recreated his attribute of love and made it human instinct. However, unique to the Islamic religion, love does exist, but only after marriage. It's human instinct and natural for people practicing Islam to feel attraction to another person, but until committed before Allah to that individual, love itself is prohibited. Similarly, dating is permitted in Islam, but only if marriage is the end goal. Love is only celebrated in the holy Quran when it's approached the correct way.

One thing you will notice is that; despite not being able to love until after marriage, Muslim romances are very romantic indeed. Dating is more intense gifts are grander, and the premise of love is more significant.


The Catholic idea of love has not changed throughout the ages. Traditional catholic love is about finding a partner for life and ensuring the relationship is pure until after the wedding - known as consummating the marriage. Over the years, however, that tradition has somewhat fizzled out - and instead, practicing Catholics focus more on the purity and serenity of finding true love and someone to start a family with. The Catholic religion follows the universal language of love - god created people in his image to share and reflect love.


In Buddhism - they believe that successful romantic love will cultivate a lot of loving-kindness and compassion. The religion follows four secrets of true love - the Maitri, Karuna, Mudita, and Upeksha. All four elements talk about compassion and sharing joy, and how the woman's joy becomes a man's joy, not discriminating, and removing issues from each other's life. Again, it's the universal language of love and unity every culture and religion follows. It's a really romantic religion that values the connection between two people.

Religion, romance, and the universal language of love are all concepts that haven't changed much over the years. Love might mean different things in different cultures and religions, but the universal love language is the same - finding someone to spend the rest of your life with.

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