How Online Gambling Affects Our Christian Faith

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No doubt, many Christians worldwide view gambling as incompatible with their faith. However, no verse in the Bible specifically mentions that gambling is a sin. What the Bible explicitly condemns is the excess love of money, greediness, and laziness. 

While they may not be bold to talk about it, many Christians enjoy gambling games for fun, especially online. Besides, not all gambling activities are targeted toward making money or satisfying one's greed. For example, national lotteries organized by government agencies are done to raise money for good causes. When you participate in such lotteries, you join hands with the government to build for your nation. In this article, we will discuss some of the things you should consider if you gamble as a Christian. 

  1. Gambling should be for fun

Most times, money earned while gambling is what other players have lost. This is why gambling ought to be for fun or good causes only. If everyone bets for fun, they'll do so with funds they don't mind losing. Thus, it doesn't affect them even if they do not win money. 

However, when people gamble intending to earn life-changing sums, it could be detrimental. In such cases, they use monies meant to meet their needs to gamble. If they lose, it could mean they no longer have enough to feed or carry on with the necessities of life.  

  1. Do not rely solely on gambling to earn a living

Throughout the scriptures, we will find several places with correlations between working and earning a living. An example is Proverbs 12:11, which states, "Those who work their land will have abundant food". This also proves our previous point. When you gamble, it should be for entertainment only, as it could become a problem if you rely solely on it to earn.  

  1. Avoid careless use of money

As Christians, we are to glorify God with everything we have, including our money. Everything God has given us should be used for a good purpose. Before you start gambling, create a limit for yourself. Do not gamble with so much of your wealth, as it is possible to lose some. Any money you use on gambling should not affect your life or Christian walk. 

  1. Gambling may encourage discontentment

In 1 Timothy 6:6-10, the scriptures urge us to be content and do away with excess love for money. Do not get carried away with the huge amounts of money won by others that you start to bet without limit. Remember, we're to seek the Kingdom of God first and be confident that God will take care of our needs. 

What's the World Doing About Gambling?

Many people bet because of what they can earn without considering if others lose. While the governments of many nations recognize how dangerous this can be, they do not ban gambling. Instead, they put measures in place to control it. 

For example, in the US, states like New Jersey and Pennsylvania have organizations to regulate both online and land-based gambling. Also, in the UK, the United Kingdom Gambling Commission oversees everything related to betting. 

These organizations ensure that online casinos operate legally in their territory and promote responsible gambling. All gambling operators, affiliates, and comparison sites like ensure that online gaming platforms follow the rules set aside by the regulatory bodies. In addition, many comparison sites also have a list of online poker sites that follow US gambling laws and responsible gaming policies.

The responsible gambling policies in the US, UK, or other regions are similar, but the enforcement may differ. In the US, responsible gambling enforcement is very strict. US legal gambling websites must have restriction tools for players to stay in control of their activities. These tools include deposit limits, time limits, loss limits, cool-off, self-exclusion, and reality checks. They help users control how much they spend, how long they play for, and how much they withdraw. 

Despite all these policies, many still find themselves dealing with problem gambling. As a result, legal online casinos partner with sites like and to help problem gamblers. These sites hold meetings and counsel players who might be battling addiction. They also give tips on how to overcome problem gambling. 

Final Thoughts – What Christians Should Do 

As mentioned throughout the article, gambling should only be done for fun and entertainment. This should be at the back of the mind of every Christian. Only use your spare money to play slots, table games, poker, lotteries, or any other game. Also, contentment and discipline can help you stay in check. If you're content, you will not see gambling as a source of income. Contentment will keep you satisfied with the money you earn from working and providing services to others. 

Again, remember that discipline is key. You must learn how to stay in control if you want to enjoy gambling. Thankfully, at reputable sites, you'll find many tools to restrict your gaming time and spending. 

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