7 Interesting Facts About Sports Betting You Need To Know

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In the past sports betting went from normal, and illegal, to sparse, and yet, still illegal, to now, popular, legalized, and a normal part of our days. From betting on your favorite team to the latest sports betting odds for a sport you only just got into, it can be a fun, exciting pastime. 

However, even some pro sports bettors are yet to learn everything there is to know about sports betting. So, whether you are a newbie to sports betting or a sports betting veteran, we have 7 facts you probably didn’t know! 

Let’s find out more about the world behind the books and the bets! 

#1. The Sports Betting Market Share Is Projected To Go Above $129 Billion By 2028

Even though the $74.2 billion number is quite an incredible amount for sports betting, there has been research conducted which expects the industry to accumulate enough that it will reach $129.3 billion by 2028. 

This research looked at how the industry will advance, and the popularity of placing bets in the sporting world has been and will continue to be influenced by technological advancements, and the increasing adoption of mobile technology into the industry. 

With the use of digital platforms, dedicated mobile applications, and more, it enables bettors to place bets whenever, and wherever. 

#2. The FIFA World Cup Has The Biggest Betting Volume

This game is the most popular and widely followed in the world, and its most focused event, the World Cup, is host to the largest betting volume worldwide. 

Bets for this tournament which is held every 4 years tend to average around $30 billion over the last few editions. Through the 2018 World Cup, the betting volume was estimated to be $155 billion, with the wager volume per game being estimated at $2.4 billion. 

Behind the World Cup in betting volume is the UEFA Champions League, and then the Super Bowl. 

#3. One Punter Let Their Bet Ride 6 Games And Won $14 Million! 

There was one very lucky baseball bettor who ended up $14 million richer after he placed the winning bet in a game between the Astros and the Dodgers in 2017 at the World Series. 

Multiple stories tell the tale of how the punter let the bet ride for 6 games on the winning bet series. This bettor was from Eastern Europe, younger than 30 years old, and made an incredible win in 2017 after the 6th game.

#4. The Largest Sports Bet Payout Was $75 million

$14 million is quite a lot, but an Astros fan did even better. This fan managed to pocket $75 million after the Astros won the 2022 World Series when they defeated the Phillies. He placed a bet of $10 million to earn the biggest sports betting payout ever seen! 

He originally placed a $3 million bet on the Astros but ended up winning $75 million. Amazingly his winnings ended up going into helping out the customers of his furniture store. 

#5. The SuperBook Westgate, Vegas Is The Largest In The World

In terms of betting opportunities and size, the SuperBook Westgate Las Vegas is believed to be the biggest sportsbook in the world. This Vegas facility has more than 350 seats where sports fans and punters alike can watch live streams of events and games on a 220 ft x 18 ft, 4K video wall! 

As well as this, they host season contests, including MLB and NBA seasons, with Big Game Prop contests, and Hoops Central. There is also a Football Central there as well, which hosts the largest free football party! 

#6. Baseball Might Be The Hardest Sport To Place Bets On

If you want FanDuel Sportsbook promo codes you may want to avoid baseball betting, and choose another sport, perhaps football. Why? Well, it turns out that if you were to compare all major sports, baseball is considered to be the hardest sport to bet on! 

The reason is that it is actually a hard sport to understand, and it is also totally random as well! 

With an insane 162 games per season, it can be wildly unpredictable. Not only this but in a majority of other sports, underdogs, and favorites are a lot more obvious than in baseball! 

#7. Even Pro Sports Bettors Only Have A Win Rate Of 50%

A majority of casual bettors tend to think that pro bettors tend to win more often than they lose, however, this is not the case. Even pros who live off of sports betting tend to only ever win 53 to 55 percent of the bets they place. 

While this is still more wins than losses, it is much less than most people think. 

This shows that even if you are skilled or experienced, there is no surefire way to guarantee wins. It is volatile and unpredictable, and to bet is to accept this fact. 


Did you know any of these facts? It turns out that there is a lot more to sports betting than we may have originally thought! There is always more to learn! 

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