Tips For Properly Maintaining Your Church Building

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Living in a post-pandemic world, it’s important to keep your church building clean and sanitary for your congregation.  Beyond cleaning, a church building is a place of worship and should be maintained with the greatest of care.  

If you’re looking for a few suggestions on how to treat your building better, you’re in the right place.  Check out a quick look into a few simple tips on how to properly maintain your church building now, and get to work before your next scheduled meeting.  

Hire a regular maintenance person

If you run a large church, it may be best to hire a full time maintenance person to look after the building.  There are always things to be done when you’re working to keep an aging building in service, and there are certainly a lot of aging churches around.  

A skilled maintenance person can help keep reigns on all the little things that may go awry inside and outside of the building, so the rest of the church staff can stay focused on a bigger purpose.  

Call in professional pest control services

Church buildings house a lot of different things, and it’s important to treat your church building as you would your home to keep pests away.  Regular professional pest treatments will go far for keeping your church building free of unwanted intruders.  

There are other things you can do to help the process.  Make sure to keep any food you have for sunday school classes stored away in airtight containers as well.  

Have the HVAC unit regularly serviced

Proper temperature control is also important to your congregation’s comfort, and your HVAC unit is no cheap replacement.  Instead, spend the extra time and money to keep your system properly maintained. 

Have your vents vacuumed and cleaned every few years to make sure you’re getting clean air throughout the building.  Twice a year, have your HVAC unit serviced to extend the life of the system.  

Keep tabs on the state of the roof

You don't want any sneak attacks by the rainwater coming through your area, so it's crucial to get a roof repair free estimate and have someone keep an eye on the state of the building's roof.  Checking for damaged or missing shingles every few years should be a part of the maintenance itinerary for certain.  

Regularly maintain the grounds 

The building isn’t all there is to proper church maintenance.  The grounds around the building are just as important to the whole system.  

Mow the lawn regularly, and make sure to keep any invasive weeds at bay with regular pruning and pulling.  An overgrown churchyard may send the wrong message to passing patrons.  You want your grounds to be inviting and well kempt.

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