4 Tips for Increasing Your Chance of Getting Pregnant

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If you’re dreaming of becoming a parent, yet can’t seem to get pregnant yet, you’re not alone.  As many as 2 out of 4 couples will experience fertility issues at some point of their pregnancy journey.  And while some reasons for fertility challenges may be out of your hands, there are other factors that may be within your control.  

Adjusting your lifestyle habits can play a significant role in how easily you get pregnant, and ultimately conceive.  If you’re looking for ways to improve your chances of reproduction, then here are some you need to know.

Practice Healthy Habits

If you drink and smoke regularly or take any kind of harmful substances, then it’s not a big secret why you’re not conceiving.  These kinds of unhealthy habits can dramatically decrease your chances of pregnancy, not to mention, pregnancy complications even if you do get pregnant.  Whether you decide to quit cold turkey or start vaping as an alternative, quitting smoking is a great place to start.  

Know Your Cycle

There are certain times of the month when a woman is more fertile than others.  Tracking your menstrual cycle is one of the most reliable ways to understand when you’re most likely to conceive.  Your fertile window is typically several days leading up to ovulation.  By using a tracking system and also using tools like ovulation tests, you’ll know your chances are increased!

Manage Your Stress Levels

Unfortunately one of the most common reasons that women struggle to conceive is unmanaged stress.  When your lifestyle is too hectic and stressful then your hormones are imbalanced.  Listen to your body and notice whether you could benefit from something like meditation or deep breathing techniques more often.

Find a balance between work and home life,  and try to take breaks regularly.  This goes for both of you in the relationship.  If even one of you is lacking balance and is overly stressed, it will affect your chances of conception.

Regular Sexual Activity

It goes without saying that you’ll need to do the deed if you hope to have a baby.  After all, they go hand in hand.  The more you engage in sexual activity together, particularly during your fertile items of the month, the greater your chances of getting pregnant faster.

Fertility experts recommend having intercourse every 2 to 3 days throughout your cycle.  Yet, it’s also important that we don’t put too much pressure on ourselves.  This can take the joy out of your intimacy, and ultimately hinder the process.  Enjoy the process, trust that things will unfold exactly as they should, and above all, let things happen naturally.  Be patient and embrace the unknown aspect of getting pregnant.  Sometimes it takes days, months and even years— but eventually you may just have the baby you want!

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