What Are 3 Types of Gamblers: Know Where You Belong

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We bet you didn’t know that there are different types of gamblers! Some enjoy gambling as a social activity, while others may have more serious gambling habits that can lead to addiction and negative consequences.

In this article, we'll explore the three main types of gamblers: social gamblers, problem gamblers, and professional gamblers, and help you determine where you may fit in. By understanding the different types of gambling behaviour, you can make informed decisions about how to gamble safely and responsibly.

Type 1: Social Gamblers

Social gambling is a form of gambling that is done primarily for entertainment and social purposes, rather than as a means of making money or escaping problems. Serious social gamblers usually engage in low-stakes gambling activities, such as playing games from casino software providers that offer low-variance pokies or engaging in card games with friends or family.

Motivations For Gambling

Social gamblers are motivated by the enjoyment and social interaction that comes with gambling. They view gambling as a fun way to spend time with friends or family, and may not be too concerned with winning or losing money.

Frequency And Duration Of Gambling 

Serious social gamblers tend to gamble infrequently and for short periods of time. They may only gamble occasionally, such as during special events or holidays, and usually stick to low-stakes games. For them, gambling is a way to enhance socialising and leisure activities, rather than daily gambling habits.

Attitudes Towards Winning And Losing In Casual Social Gamblers 

These casual social gamblers have a relaxed and lighthearted attitude towards winning and losing. They are not overly concerned with making a profit, and may even be content with breaking even or losing a small amount of money. Winning is seen as a bonus, while losing is considered part of the game and not a major source of stress or disappointment.

Some additional characteristics of casual social gamblers include:

  • They view gambling as a form of entertainment, rather than a way to make money.
  • They tend to gamble with friends or family members, rather than alone.
  • They set limits on their gambling and don't chase losses.
  • They don't experience significant negative consequences from gambling, such as financial problems or relationship issues.

It's important to remember to gamble responsibly and to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with problem gambling.

Type 2: Professional Gamblers

Professional gambling is a type of gambling where the player engages in games of chance or skill as a full-time occupation, with the goal of making a profit. Unlike social gambling, which is done for entertainment purposes, professional gambling is a serious business where the player needs to have a set of specific skills and knowledge according to the preferred casino game to be successful.

Skills And Knowledge Required For Professional Gambling

Professional gamblers need to have a deep understanding of the games they play, as well as a solid grasp of statistics, probability theory, and game theory. They also need to be proficient in bankroll management, risk assessment, and psychological tactics.

Attitudes Towards Risk And Probability

Professional gamblers view risk and probability differently than casual gamblers. They see gambling as a numbers game, where the goal is to maximise expected value and minimise risk. They are also able to detach emotionally from the outcome of each game and focus on the long-term profitability of their strategy.

Strategies And Techniques Used By Professional Gamblers

Professional gamblers use a variety of strategies and techniques to gain an edge over the house or other players. These may include card counting, handicapping, betting systems, and other mathematical or statistical approaches. They may also use psychological tactics, such as bluffing or reading opponents, to gain an advantage.

Professional gambling is a serious and challenging pursuit that requires a specific set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes towards risk and probability. While it can be a lucrative occupation for those who are successful, it is also a high-risk activity that requires discipline, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt!

Type 3: Problem Gamblers

Problem gamblers, also known as escape gamblers and antisocial personality gamblers, is a serious condition that can have negative consequences on an individual's finances, relationships, and mental health. Problem gambling contains a compulsion to gamble, and their behavior can spiral out of control if left untreated.

Signs And Symptoms Of Problem Gambling

  • Spending more time and money on gambling than intended.
  • Neglecting responsibilities, such as work or family obligations, to gamble.
  • Feeling restless or irritable when not gambling.
  • Chasing losses and betting increasingly larger amounts of money to try to recoup losses.
  • Lying or hiding gambling activities from others.
  • Experiencing financial problems as a result of gambling.
  • Using gambling as a way to escape from problems or negative emotions.

What Factors Increase A Risk Of Developing A Gambling Problem?

  • Having a family history of gambling addiction.
  • Suffering from mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety.
  • Experiencing significant life stressors, such as job loss or divorce.
  • Having easy access to gambling activities, such as online gambling sites or casinos.
  • Being male (although women can also develop gambling problems).

Gambling should always be treated as a fun activity and never as a way to make money or solve financial problems.

While some people may be able to gamble responsibly and enjoy the entertainment value of it, others may struggle with problem gambling and develop a harmful gambling addiction. That's why it's important to always gamble within your means and never bet more than you can afford to lose.

By treating gambling as a fun pastime rather than a way to make money or escape from problems, you can enjoy the excitement and entertainment it provides without risking your financial or mental health. 

Comparison Of The Three Types Of Gamblers


Social Gamblers

Problem Gamblers

Professional Gamblers

Motivations for Gambling

Socialisation, entertainment, and relaxation

Relief and escape from negative emotions

Financial gain, profit

Frequency and Duration of Gambling

Occasionally, short duration

Regularly, long duration

Regularly, long duration

Attitudes towards Winning and Losing

Winning is fun, but losing is not a big deal

Winning is everything, losing triggers more gambling

Winning is necessary for financial gain

Signs and Symptoms of Problem Gambling


Chasing losses, lying or hiding gambling activities


Risk Factors for Developing Gambling Problems


Family history of addiction, mental health disorders, financial problems


In the world of gambling, there are three types of players: social, problem, and professional. Social gamblers play for fun, problem gamblers play to escape their troubles, and professional gamblers play to make money. But no matter what type of gambler you are, there's always a risk of negative consequences. So, whether you're rolling the dice or spinning the wheel, always remember to gamble responsibly and with a good sense of humour.

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