Modern technology in offline casinos: security and emotion

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The security revolution in the casino world

In our time, technology is developing with great speed, penetrating into all areas of life. One of these areas is the gambling industry, which is constantly looking for new ways to attract and retain customers. One of the main factors influencing the choice of casino is security. Players want to feel secure and comfortable when they visit an offline casino.

This is why new casinos are introducing modern security technologies such as facial and emotion recognition systems. These systems not only increase the safety of players and staff, but also improve the gaming experience and service. In this article, we will explain how these systems work, what benefits they bring and what advice we can give to new players who are looking for a new casino not on gamstop.

How facial recognition systems work

The first step in providing security at new casinos is facial recognition systems. They effectively identify visitors, even those who decide to change their appearance. This is not only a means of fighting fraud, but also a way to create a safe space to play. Facial recognition systems use cameras that scan visitors' faces and compare them to a database. If the system detects a match with a person who is not allowed to enter, it alerts security. The system can also recognise faces that are suspiciously frequenting the casino and warn of possible gambling addiction problems.

Facial recognition systems are powered by artificial intelligence algorithms that analyse various facial characteristics such as shape, size, colour, distance between the eyes, nose and mouth, etc. These characteristics are converted into a unique numerical code which is compared with the codes in the database. If the codes match, the system determines the visitor's identity. Facial recognition systems are constantly improving and becoming more accurate and faster. They can also adapt to different lighting conditions, camera angles and accessories such as glasses, hats, masks, etc.

Emotional safety: the role of emotion recognition systems

An important aspect of security is not only face detection, but also emotion analysis. Emotion recognition systems help to identify stress or unusual behaviour, which can indicate problems and help prevent potential incidents. Emotion recognition systems use cameras that analyse facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice and other signs of emotional state. If the system detects that a visitor is experiencing severe stress, anger, fear or sadness, it can offer psychological help or refer them to appropriate services. The system can also detect when a visitor is experiencing joy, pleasure or surprise and use this data to improve service and offer bonuses or discounts.

Emotion recognition systems are also powered by artificial intelligence algorithms that learn different emotions and their manifestations. They can recognise seven basic emotions: joy, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, surprise and contempt. They can also detect more complex and mixed emotions such as sarcasm, boredom, guilt, jealousy, etc. Emotion recognition systems can adapt to different cultures, languages and contexts, taking into account differences in the expression and perception of emotions.

Benefits of using technology in casinos

The systems provide strong protection against fraud and unwanted behaviour. They help prevent entry by prohibited persons, detect suspicious behaviour and alert you to potential gambling addiction problems. They also help create a safe and comfortable environment for gambling.

The data collected by the systems can be used to improve the service and provide personalised services. They allow you to know the preferences, interests and needs of visitors, as well as their level of satisfaction. They also help optimise staff performance, resource allocation and marketing strategies.

The use of technology makes visiting a casino more fun and safer. They make it possible to create personalised offers, bonuses and discounts for visitors and also cater to their emotional state. They also help create a friendly and fun atmosphere where visitors can enjoy playing and socialising.


The introduction of facial and emotion recognition systems in offline casinos is a step towards the future of a safe and exciting gaming environment. Join the new casinos where innovation serves your safety and exciting gaming experience.

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