Navigating Customs Regulations: Streamlining Your China to USA Cargo

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Delivery of goods from China to the United States requires a complex approach because shippers need to coordinate the actions of different agents. But this is not the only issue since one should prepare numerous documents correctly so the cargo does not get stuck at customs. Therefore, importers often turn to logistics companies that organize the transportation of goods along the optimal route and provide assistance during customs clearance.

Documents Required for Customs Clearance

Whether you choose air freight or sea freight from China to USA, you will have to go through customs clearance. Before customs officials begin checking the goods, the shipper must provide them with the following documents:

  • Customs declaration
  • Commercial invoice
  • Permission to import a particular type of goods
  • Packing list

Customs officials calculate the taxes the importer must pay based on these documents. Then, they are used to compare the goods actually transported and those indicated in the papers.

Features of Import Customs Regulations 

Although importers can bring all sorts of goods from China to the United States, they will require special licenses:

  • Consumer products must meet the US safety standards.
  • Electrical goods must comply with energy conservation standards.

Import of some goods may be limited depending on the current list of restrictions. In particular, these could be some types of agricultural goods, weapons, radioactive materials, etc.

Also, note that you must prepare the documents in advance since the logistics company will need to review them. If you choose ocean freight from China, the customs will require the provision of documents 15 days before the cargo arrives at the US port.

The logistics company PartnerTrade knows all the features of customs clearance when importing goods from China to the USA. By receiving professional assistance from the company’s specialists, you will go through all stages of importing goods smoothly and without fuss. Thus, you’ll reduce the product's transit time and quickly deliver them to the US market.

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