Government-Funded CBC Uses Taxpayer Money To Promote Sexualized 'Drag Kids'

News Image By Jonathon Van Maren/ April 24, 2023
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Conservative Canadians have had the enjoyable experience over the past few days of watching the CBC, Canada's state broadcaster, throw a lengthy temper tantrum at Elon Musk's decision to accurately label them on Twitter as "government-funded media." 

The CBC insisted -- ludicrously -- that they are unbiased and that they receive "less than 70%" of their money from the government. Musk amended the label to "69% government-funded media."

The CBC's sanctimonious lecturing on the importance of their work has drawn some welcome attention to what, in fact, that work consists of. For several years now, the CBC has been laser-focused on promoting drag performances for children, running interviews featuring drag queens explaining themselves to children, "CBC Kids" shows on drag, and dozens of articles insisting that Canadian parents who object to drag shows for kids are unreasonable bigots.

Worst of all, the CBC recently re-upped their vile 2019 documentary Drag Kids, which streams on CBC Gem. This is how the state broadcaster is promoting the (taxpayer-funded) documentary:

Stephan, Nemis, Bracken and Jason are very different kids living in very different parts of the world, but they're united by a deep love of drag.

Fiery Stephan (a.k.a. Laddy Gaga), 9, lives with his British expat family in the south of Spain, where his explosive performances can't be contained by their villa, so he has started performing at tourist restaurants.

Shy Jason (a.k.a. Suzan Bee Anthony), 11, lives in the U.S. Bible Belt where his chosen family have formed a protective circle around him that has allowed his sassy alter ego to blossom.

Precocious Bracken, 11, lives in Vancouver, where she struggles for acceptance as a "hyper queen" (a female drag performer) and for opportunities to connect in the 19-plus world of drag shows.

Child star Nemis (a.k.a. Queen Lactatia), 9, lives in Montreal, and with the help of his "momager," he loves pushing boundaries, from selling his merch at a local fetish store to judging a vogue ball in a downtown bar.

Re-read that for a moment -- a 9-year-old child who, with the "help of his momager," performs as a drag queen in bars in Montreal and sells his "merch" at a local fetish store. "Fetish," for those of you who may not know, is defined as "a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs." In other words, a 9-year-old who was clearly introduced to drag by adults and is now encouraged to do drag by adults is selling merchandise at a local sex shop.

To sum up: Canada's state broadcaster, which received $1.2 billion in hard-earned taxpayer dollars annually, uses that money to promote the sexualization of children while claiming that those who point out this sexualization are bigots -- bigots who are on the hook for this material, by the way. 

Despite that, the CBC brazenly reports that their documentary on "drag kids" features a 9-year-old child who engages in sexualized performances for adults and sells stuff in a sex shop where adults purchase merchandise along with ... other ... fetish materials.

This is beyond vile to any reasonable person with common sense. This is not, as CBC claims, about "kids chasing freedom and friendship through the art of drag." It is about blatant exploitation of children, and the CBC is both participating in and promoting that exploitation while publishing articles titled "Drag kids: How their parents protect them from haters." 

These are the same parents, by the way, who facilitate their children selling products in sex shops and performing for adults.

Originally published at The Bridgehead - reposted with permission.

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