Connecticut Has More Than One Type of Divorce

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Getting a divorce isn’t always as simple as heading to the courthouse and filing some paperwork. If you’re divorcing in Connecticut, you have options. Yes, there’s more than one type of divorce in Connecticut.

Understanding the three types of Connecticut divorces is key to ensuring you choose the best option. After all, you want your divorce to go as smoothly as possible while still walking away with fair compensation. To help better guide and inform you, here’s a look at the three types of divorces available in Connecticut.

A Look at the Three Types of Divorces in Connecticut

Each type of divorce is geared toward specific circumstances. Two require litigation and the other is dependent on you and your spouse’s ability to communicate civilly.

Mediation Divorce

A mediation divorce has a few advantages. You can forego attorney and court fees. Instead of retaining attorneys, you and your spouse agree to work out the divorce details with help from a neutral mediator. Your divorce details can include child custody and co-parenting arrangements. Alimony, child support, and division of assets can also be finalized in mediation.

Another time mediation can be a good option is when you’re dealing with post-judgment changes or issues. You and your former spouse have a safe and neutral space to hash out the new details. Once the details are finalized in writing, all that’s left is to submit the document to the civil court. A judge signs off on the divorce or post-judgment changes and you can get on with your life.

While mediation is popular and effective, it’s not always the right option. If you and your spouse can’t communicate without screaming, mediation probably isn’t going to accomplish anything.

Collaborative Divorce

A collaborative divorce is similar to mediation, only now you’re involving attorneys. You and your spouse each have separate legal representation, and yes this comes with attorney fees. However, you may only need to pay court filing files. Collaborative divorces rarely end up in court, other than when the judge signs the decree.

So, what is a collaborative divorce? This type of divorce is private and non-argumentative. In other words, your spouse can probably work out the divorce details in mediation but there are some complex issues. These issues may require the experience and knowledge of a legal expert, which is why you’re working with divorce attorneys.

What type of complex issues can send you to a divorce attorney? These can vary. Some examples can include couples with a large financial portfolio or if one partner is planning on moving overseas but still has child custodial rights.

Connecticut is also an equal distribution state and this can make divvying up assets a little more complicated. With assistance from your attorneys, you and your spouse can reach a divorce agreement that’s fair to everyone involved.

Divorce Litigation

Hopefully, this isn’t the type of divorce you’re headed towards. Divorce litigation is often contentious and one party may leave feeling like their settlement isn’t fair. However, before you automatically envision screaming courtroom battles, not all divorce litigation ends up in a bitter argument.

Litigation is common in divorces and for a good reason. Agreeing on every aspect of a divorce is rare, even in amicable ones. When you and your spouse are stuck on an issue, sometimes it’s best to work with an attorney. Whether you can’t agree on a child custody arrangement or evenly divvying up the marital assets, your attorneys can help you find a solution that everyone can live with.

If abuse is present in the marriage, either emotional or physical, divorce litigation is almost always recommended. If you’re an abused spouse, your attorney can help you through the divorce. This way, you’re not placing yourself in a potentially harmful situation.

Your attorney can also help ensure your soon-to-be former spouse doesn’t walk all over or railroad you during the negotiations, and may recommend support and protection services if necessary.

Choosing the Best Type of Divorce for Your Situation

Picking a type of Connecticut divorce isn’t as easy as closing your eyes and randomly pointing at an option. Everyone’s divorce is different and this means what works for one couple may not be ideal for your situation.

If you and your spouse are in agreement, go ahead and choose a mediation divorce. Your mediator can help you work through any minor issues. However, if there are some complex issues like finances you’re struggling to work through, you may want to consider going through a collaborative divorce. Your other option is divorce litigation.

Whether it’s a collaborative or litigation, you want to choose a divorce attorney who’s familiar with your unique situation. 

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