What is an NFC business card? The key benefits of having one

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Business cards have always been useful and will continue to be so. They are small marketing devices with every detail of a business owner, making them crucial for networking. However, the way business cards are available to us is changing. Traditional paper business cards give way to digital or NFC business cards. The latter is taking the professional world by storm, offering multiple benefits and transforming how you do business and network.

A report says that in 2028, the NFC business cards card market will acquire a huge marketplace, and their value will be approximately $33 million by 2028. It shows how impressive these cards are, and to encourage more businesses and individuals to go this way, here is a comprehensive guide for NFC business cards.

What is NFC?

An NFC business card is an innovative and modern alternative to paper business cards. They do not require the physical exchange of cards. With an NFC business card, you use NFC technology to ensure data-sharing between professionals. Here is a glimpse of how it works.

       These cards have a small chip (NFC) embedded in them. So, they can share data when you tap your NFC-enabled business card with another device, like an NFC-enabled smartphone. This communication happens wirelessly and is quite simple, too.

       Tapping is one of the ways through which you can share data between a smartphone and an NFC card. Moreover, you can also scan the QR code to download the information on your card.

What information should I add to the card?

The information on an NFC business card is similar to that on traditional business cards. For instance, it will include the cardholder's name and contact details, including an email address and phone number. Other important details include the job title, social media profile links, website URL, and job title.

It ensures quick data exchange, eliminating manual scanning or typing requirements. Thus, it makes networking convenient and smoother. Lastly, they are eco-friendly, reducing paper waste and production. Additionally, their ability to let you update the details on the card anytime you want is one of the best benefits of having an NFC business card.

 Why Choose NFC Digital Business Cards?

Information exchange is instant.

If you are attending networking events or conferences and the chances of meeting clients or partners are high, you want to be prepared. You do not want to fumble through your purse or wallet to bring out a crushed or wrinkled business card. Do you? Well, you can instead use an NFC business card. With a tap or scan of a QR, your details are saved on the recipient's phone, which is such a blessing. Also, it has all the details, like the phone number, email, LinkedIn profile, and website URL. It makes them such a good thing to have.

Eco Friendly

Every business wants to reduce its carbon footprint, and there is nothing better than reducing your use of paper business cards to take the first step. NFC business cards are eco-friendly and are a small step you can take towards making the environment a safer place.

They are professional.

NFC business cards look extremely professional and elegant. It shows the readiness of your business to adapt to new technologies, which is crucial in this changing landscape.

Data Accuracy

Paper business cards fall short in this department by a lot. To change anything in it, you have to reprint the entire stock of business cards. That is tedious and ends up costing a lot. Therefore, switching to NFC business cards is best, as it simplifies changing or editing data.

Customized business card

You can create a card that reflects the brand's personality better with an NFC business card. You can pick up any theme, logo, or more.

Security Measures: NFC Business Card Addition

NFC business cards have chips, so security is a major concern with these cards. Here are a few security measures you should understand to know how secure these cards can be.

       Encryption: They use encryption for securing data transfers between multiple devices. After you tap an NFC business card against an NFC-enabled device, the information you transmit is encrypted, ensuring no unauthorized party can decipher the data easily.

       Short-Range Communication: NFC operates within a limited range, spanning only a few centimeters. This restriction reduces the risk of unauthorized access or catching of data significantly. For someone to read your NFC business card, they need to be closer to you. Otherwise, they cannot decipher or even catch the data.

       Secure Storage: The information stored on your NFC digital business card is typically minimal, primarily comprising your contact details and links to online profiles. Unlike traditional business cards, which can be easily replicated or exploited, NFC cards offer greater security mainly because they can also have sensitive information, like your portfolio, which you do not want to share with everyone.

       Most often, NFC business card sharing requires user content. If you share your business card, you must actively tap the NFC card against someone's device to ensure data exchange. This user control aspect ensures additional data security and is shared only with the right person.

       Password Protection: Certain NFC digital business card applications can password-protect or encrypt the data stored on the card. This additional security feature ensures that only people with the correct credentials can access the data, which is a bonus.

       Regular Updates: NFC business card developers regularly come up with security updates. These ensure there are no security issues or vulnerabilities in the card. Users must make these updates on time to keep their cards and data safe.


NFC or near-field communication digital business cards are the latest trend in business cards, offering an eco-friendly and modern way for businesses to exchange data. Without the need for paper, updating your cards in real-time is a blessing for all professionals. Moreover, these cards are safer as they provide encryption, user control, and only short-range communication. Most businesses are choosing this route, and it is high time you do so.

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