How The Feds Will Control You By Controlling Your Finances

News Image By Glenn Guest/WND News Center June 10, 2023
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At this moment powerful forces are constructing an economic system that will destroy our way of life and our God-given liberties. Once the architects of this economic system have completed and implemented their digital control system, they will rule over us in what can only be described as absolute despotism.

Even as you read this, they are working hammer and tongs forging the chains and shackles of your bondage, not of iron or steel, but of electronic ones and zeros that will form a digital currency. The global digital currency they are creating will result in the elimination of cash, with digital currency being the only one accepted in the new world economic order. 

This digital currency will be the mechanism by which they will control your finances and the finances of every person on earth - and by controlling your finances they will control you.

In March of 2022, Joe Biden issued Executive Order 14067 in which he ordered the federal government to begin the process of creating an electronic digital currency called "Central Bank Digital Currency," or "CBDC." In some White House documents this new electronic currency is referred to as "digital dollars."

Statements in Executive Order 14067 and other associated White House documents make it clear that our government has put the pedal to the metal in its effort to create a cashless economic system. Terms like "highest urgency," "whole of government approach" and "we must" are used throughout the White House documents.

Consider the following:

When the cashless CBDC monetary system is put in place your "money" will no longer be possessed or controlled by you. It will exist only in the computers of banks and government. Physical cash will be eliminated, and those who control the CBDC system will have control over your "money" in your account. Banks and the government will decide if and how you may use your "money." 

In fact, you will not be able to make any decision on your own, financial or otherwise, because all transfers of "money" (CBDC) will be subject to approval by whoever controls the cashless monetary system.

Every decision you make, whether great or small, economic or otherwise, will have to be in line with government policies if it is to be approved. Whoever controls the new system of electronic currency will have the power to decide what you may buy or sell and even if you will be allowed to buy or sell anything at all.

Your choices in life must yield to the whims of those who will exercise this tremendous power over you, or else. To attempt to exercise your will over theirs will mean that you could be declared an economic non-entity. If this happens, you will be banished from the new economic system. 

You will be unable to access to your financial accounts, unable to purchase even the basic necessities of life. To fall out of favor with those who control the system will mean that you will not be able to be paid by your employer or anyone else because your direct deposit will be deactivated. Any wealth you may have accumulated in digital currency will be stored out of your reach behind an impenetrable wall preventing you from accessing what is rightfully yours. 

If you are in this situation you will be unable buy food, pay rent or make a house payment. You won't have the option to use cash to make necessary purchases because cash will no longer be accepted.

However, CBDCs are just one part of this digital control system that will be used to enslave you. Beginning July 1, another essential component of the cashless economic system will begin operating. This part of their system will monitor all of your buying and selling in real time. This part of the cashless economic system is called FedNow.

The FedNow program makes the Federal Reserve part of the approval process every time you use a cashless payment method such as a debit card, credit card or check. Until now, purchases and money transfers were processed by the banks of those involved in the transaction. Those making the transaction needed only the approval of their respective banks. 

When the FedNow program comes online July 1, the Federal Reserve will become part of the approval process. The data that will be exchanged by the banks during the approval process will now pass through the Federal Reserve's FedNow system. The Federal Reserve will then know every time you use your debit card, credit card, every time you write a check or make a money transfer of any kind. 

The Federal Reserve will know when you are paid, how much you are paid, when you make a purchase or sale, where you shop, how much you spend and potentially, what you buy. Every part of you financial life will be open to the Federal Reserve. You will be subjected to a complete and continual financial strip search every time you make a purchase or sale.

It is also my belief that one day soon the FedNow system will become the filter by which all buying and selling must be approved. Not only will your financial status have to be approved in order to buy or sell, but also your political beliefs, religious beliefs and lifestyle will examined as part of the approval process. I believe FedNow will become the choke point to control all buying and selling.

The creation of such a system that enables government to control the finances of every person on earth has never been possible until now. While technology is neither good or evil, modern technology has made this control system, that will soon be deployed against us, possible.

Indeed, the "Holy Grail" of tyrants is to have the ability to force the populous to comply with every command. Though control of the masses has been attempted many times throughout history, no government has ever achieved this goal by the use of police and military powers. 

However, the goal will be reached when government can control all buying and selling by the elimination of cash and its replacement with the digital CBDC monetary system. When the cashless economic system is fully implemented, you will find yourself living in a global gulag.

So, is there really a global conspiracy to destroy our God-given liberty and to to enslave us?

Well, almost 2,000 years ago, God gave us a warning that such a system would indeed exist one day. In Revelation chapter 13, God warns us of a one-world government and a global economic system wherein a person must yield to the dictates of a ruthless tyrant, one who will have almost absolute power. 

God also warns us that this tyrant will use his control of the world's economic system to compel people to worship him as God. God tells us that he will attempt to destroy those who believe in Jesus Christ. This dictator will rule over this world for a brief period of time and all those who do not believe on Jesus will worship him as God.

From Revelation chapter 13:

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. ...

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I believe that the cashless economic system that is being developed and will soon be forced upon us will play a essential part in the fulfillment of these prophecies.

Learn more about the coming cashless system and the book of Revelation with the Decoding The Future DVD Series.  Learn more here.

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