The Complete Guide To Finding The Right Birth Injury Attorney

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If you’ve recently given birth and you and/or your newborn have been injured due to negligence on the part of the medical staff, you are likely experiencing a host of emotions including stress, sadness, and fear. At this time, you need to dedicate yourself to the health and wellness of yourself and your baby and not worry about legal ramifications. However, you also need to know you’re entitled to compensation if the injury was due to medical malpractice. To ensure you are getting the compensation you are entitled to while still caring for your family, you need to hire an experienced birth injury attorney.

Here is everything you need to know about finding and hiring the right birth injury attorney for your case.

Begin by Asking for Referrals

Do you know other families who have experienced a birth injury and pursued compensation for their losses? If so, consider asking them what attorney they used and if they were happy with his or her services. If you use attorneys for other purposes, you can also ask them to recommend a good birth injury attorney as many attorneys are friends or colleagues with others in different fields of law.

Next, Do Some Online Research

You can find out a lot about local attorneys simply by logging on to the internet. Check out online reviews to see what past clients have thought of the personal injury attorneys you’re considering hiring. Your best bet is to select one who has a majority of five-star reviews. You can also read attorney websites to learn more about their experience, what they specialize in, and if they have any designations, ongoing education, or awards that indicate they are leaders in their field.

Now, Schedule Some Consultations

Once you’ve narrowed your list of potential attorneys down to two or three, schedule free consultations with each so you can talk to them personally. During the consultation, ask them about their fee structure—most personal injury attorneys do not get paid until you do, but some do charge extra fees—how many clients they are currently representing, and their preferred mode of communication. You can also ask them questions about your case to determine if they are confident they can get you a fair settlement or successfully take it to trial. You can also ask them about their success rate regarding settlement negotiations and cases they’ve taken to trial.

Choosing the Right Birth Injury Lawyer

Birth injuries are incredibly life-altering and it’s important you work with an attorney you can trust, who you feel comfortable with, and who you get along with to help you through it. The average birth injury lawsuit can take over a year to settle, so you’ll be working with this person for a long time and want the relationship to be as harmonious as possible. When making your selection, focus on this as well as their record and experience and you’ll be well on your way to making a solid decision so you can leave the case to your attorney and focus on taking care of yourself and your baby.

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