California Gov't App Advises Teens To Drop Christianity And Embrace The Occult

News Image By Alex Newman/Harbinger's Daily February 05, 2025
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An official "mental health" app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear. But critics are sounding the alarm.

Under the guise of helping California teens with self-esteem and emotions, the new program, known as "Soluna," features blatantly pagan and occult themes. From magicians and Tarot cards to channeling "that high priestess" and touting lesbian characters, the controversial topics are ubiquitous.  

One lesson is called "Tarot and Tidings: a holiday spread to protect your peace." "This season, the cards are stacked in your favor," reads the text. "This holiday tarot spread holds the secret to boundary-setting magic -- meaning less chaos and more clarity." The Bible teaches refers to such practices as an "abomination."

The Tarot and Tidings segment's "first card," as the state's "mental health" scheme for children calls it, informs the impressionable victims that "you hold the power to create your own reality." It also urges the children to "protect your energy" and get ready to cast a "spell."

The next card in the Tarot series features a "high priestess" where students are taught to "channel that high priestess" when family members ask "cringey questions" during the holidays. It then calls on students to "embrace the Hermit energy" because it is "where your magic grows."

Another lesson in the mental-health app is titled "Coming out to immigrant parents: parent POV." "In this audio, you'll hear the story of Olga, an immigrant parent, and her queer daughter, Nina," the slide declares before dissing "cultural values" and promoting homosexuality.

In the scenario, Olga, an immigrant, describes how her culture frowns on homosexuality. But when her daughter Nina identifies as a homosexual, Olga was forced to balance those obsolete values with the supposed reality of who her daughter supposedly is. Despite mountains of evidence, the exercise treats homosexuality as innate and immutable.

Yet another lesson teaching children about "physical intimacy" encourages fornication. "Taking that next step with someone special is a big deal! It can be an exciting way to deepen your connection," the app informs children. "Ready to get spicy and safe? Let's chat."

In short, as long as there is what the app calls "consent" and "protection" from babies and venereal diseases, the state scheme urges its victims to do "whatever you're comfortable with." It even encourages children to consider whether they want to be monogamous or polyamorous, having numerous sexual partners at the same time, as if this were normal.

The attack on traditional culture is blatant, too. In a lesson supposedly teaching children how to be their "authentic self," Soluna features a discussion between a student refusing to participate in the family Thanksgiving gathering. The reason given is that the Indians were supposedly mistreated by evil white men.

This is, of course, a total misrepresentation of the real Thanksgiving. The true history of the holiday involved Natives joining together peacefully with European settlers to eat a feast, play games, and give thanks to their Creator in a wonderful example of true cross-cultural fellowship. Few of the victims of California's government schools would know that, though.  

The app seems calculated to undermine biblical religion and inoculate children against it, too. In an exercise called "Thought Shaker" that is supposed to "boost confidence and self-esteem," teens are given bizarre slogans such as "Everything is temporary," "I am good enough," "I love who I am," "I am worthy of a happy and fulfilling life," and more.

Apparently, there is no place in the program for biblical precepts such as "all fall short of the glory of God," "all have sinned," that all deserve eternal punishment for their sin, and everyone needs Christ as Savior to be redeemed. Instead, children are taught to believe they are perfect as they are, with no need for a Redeemer or repentance. 

Critics warn that the values and ideas promoted with the program run contrary to the faith traditions of many parents and are highly inappropriate at best. Among those sounding the alarm is Brenda Lebsack, a veteran California educator and school board member in the state who has become a leading voice exposing the attacks on children.

"The Mental Health Crisis Hotlines, both National and in the state of California, are being used as indoctrination tools," she told The Newman Report. "When I went through these lessons it is obvious there is another agenda they are trying to accomplish, which is definitely contrary to Judeo-Christian Values."

Among other concerns, Lebsack noted that the programs normalize endless genders and encourage children to enter chat spaces with "unvetted, random adults to explore their genders and sexualities." The promotion of these ideas can be deeply harmful to children, as countless experts have explained.

They also take aim at students' faith. "The positive self-talk meditations in Soluna are messages that basically place self in the position of ultimate power as the 'end all,' thus ignoring that a Creator even exists and ignoring that a sin nature is even possible," she said. "If sin is non-existent, then the need for a Redeemer or Savior becomes irrelevant." 

Another scheme promoted by California and even the federally funded National Suicide Hotline is Trevor Space. As documented by Lebsack and The Newman Report in 2023, the outfit promotes radical LGBT ideology, affirms delusion and confusion about gender, and promotes everything from sodomy to fornication among children.

Lebsack has been sounding the alarm about Trevor Space for years, pointing to its Witchcraft Club, Pagan Club, Guilt and Secrets Club, and more. There are also "communities" for "furries" (who identify as animals), "regressors" (who identify as babies), and even a "Gay Men Club" with the tagline "let's talk about boys."  

State authorities in California are using taxpayer money to fund these programs and also to promote them on radio stations, advertisements, schools, and even in movie theaters. The California Department of Health Care Services brags about the platforms as part of its nearly $5 billion "investment" in youth "behavioral health."

It is true that children today are in big trouble: CDC data show one in three high-school girls have seriously considered suicide. But the solution is not more of the indoctrination and propaganda that is driving the despair. These programs represent a horrific abuse of children and taxpayers, and the damage being perpetrated is incalculable. It must end.

Originally published at Harbingers Daily

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