Netanyahu To Make Pro-3rd Temple Politician Top Official

News Image By David Sidman/BIN August 30, 2019
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It has been confirmed that Zehut (Identity) party leader Moshe Feiglin will order his party, Zehut, to step down in the current election to join Netanyahu's Likud party who will make him a "high ranking official" in the PM's next government.

Moshe Feiglin's Zehut was the only party head in the current elections who openly calls for building the third Temple and has placed it on his party's platform. The catch was that Feiglin's Zehut party had to drop out of the race.

The idea is that since Zehut is not predicted to pass the minimum threshold of 4 seats, they are 'wasting' right-wing votes that could otherwise spill over to another right-wing party that can pass the minimum threshold sealing Netanyahu's coalition for the 22nd Knesset (parliament).

Reports have been circulating that Netanyahu offered Feiglin the task of health ministry although those reports are unconfirmed. 

However, that would be a logical position for Feiglin since besides advocating for the construction of the Third Temple, Feiglin is a proponent of legalizing marijuana and has fought in the past as a Knesset member to loosen access to medical marijuana for cancer patients. 

Feiglin is a free market capitalist who focuses much of his campaign on loosening regulations and lowering taxes.

Regarding his meeting with Netanyahu, Feiglin didn't reveal much information however he did say: "We are ready to enter negotiations with the Prime Minister. We sat for many hours and I am happy to announce that we have made tremendous progress as well as other important issues in Zehut's platform. There is still no agreement but the progress is very significant. 

Either way, we will bring the agreement if it is signed, as a referendum to party members, something that no other party would even consider doing in this type of situation. 

And I need to reiterate and clarify one thing: Zehut is alive and kicking and is affecting reality and will continue to affect reality more than any other party. It seems as though this time it will be from within the government and not just the Knesset but we will see."

Originally published at Breaking Israel News - reposted with permission.

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