The Inevitable Takeover: Digital Identity And Total Control Is Coming

News Image By PNW Staff November 14, 2023
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The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a final agreement this week on the establishment of "European Digital Identity Wallets," the first central and fully digital identification system for all Europeans.

"Under the new law, the EU will offer its citizens so-called 'digital wallets'--on a voluntary basis, at first--which will contain digital versions of their ID cards, driving licenses, diplomas, medical records, and bank account information," the European Conservative reported.

These documents will be recognized as means to access online services throughout Europe, and citizens will be able to prove their identity or share electronic documents from their wallets "with a click of a button," the legislators hope.

"This marks an important step towards the Digital Decade 2030 targets on the digitalization of public services," the EU Commission said in a statement Wednesday.

"All EU citizens will be offered the possibility to have an EU Digital Identity Wallet to access public and private online services in full security and protection of personal data all over Europe."

The agreement reached by the co-legislators is now subject to formal approval by the European Parliament and the Council.

Once formally adopted, the European Digital Identity framework will enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal.

The agreement follows on the heels of the G20 summit in September where the leading global economies agreed to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and IDs.

The agreement came just a few weeks after Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank, announced that the European Union was moving forward with the development of its new central bank digital currency (CBDC)--the digital Euro.

Conservative EU lawmakers and cybersecurity experts have opposed these developments, warning that large-scale abuse is inevitable in an all-encompassing digital identity system.

Dutch MEP Rob Roos sounded the alarm on X, Wednesday:

"BREAKING: Very bad news. The European Parliament and Member States just reached an agreement on introducing the Digital Identity," he said.

Roos noted that following the agreement, EU Commissioner Thierry Breton said: "'Now that we have a Digital Identity Wallet, we have to put something in it...', suggesting a connection between CBDC and eID."

Ahead of the the European Parliament's decision, over 500 privacy and cybersecurity experts from 39 countries signed a joint letter warning that the legislation "fails to properly respect the right to privacy of citizens and secure online communications."

Roos lamented that most EU lawmakers "ignored all the privacy experts and security specialists. They're pushing it all through."

The Dutch conservative said that he is not optimistic, but "it is not too late yet."

"Parliament still has to vote about this. Let your MEP know that you oppose the Digital Identity and that you want your MEP to vote against it!" he said.

The Biden White House released a "Comprehensive Framework for Responsible Development of Digital Assets" in September of last year.

Catherine Austin Fitts, financial expert and Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the H.W. Bush administration, has long been a vocal opponent of CBDC systems.

In a recent interview, she warned that a 100 percent digital system would be controlled centrally and that a person's money could potentially be limited to a particular geographical area. Such a totalitarian system, she argued, could also allow the State to limit people on what they are allowed to buy.

"Let's say I want to mandate a vaccine. Your financial transaction ability can be turned off," Fitts said.

"Your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don't do what you're told."

Edward Dowd, the founder Phinance Technologies and author of Cause Unknown, has also long warned that any CBDC system will be a system of totalitarian control tied to a Chinese-style "social credit score."

"It just becomes a social engineering tool, the ultimate control-freak gizmo," he said during an interview last year.

The idea of a digital ID system is not entirely new. In some countries, digital identification has already been implemented for government services and online banking. 

However, expanding the use of digital IDs to cover all online activities would be a significant step towards global ID for everyone.  

No ID, no access would change the nature of identification and verification systems worldwide.

While it might seem to make sense on some levels, the threat to personal freedoms and potential for abuse by Government is vast.  

In the same way that digital currency provides authorities the ability to track and record every online financial transaction you make, digital ID will provide the same for every click you make online.  Do we really want the government to have real time access to our web browsing?

The ability of governments to control what we see and don't see online would make Facebook censorship over 'community standards' pale in comparison. That which is branded 'hate' or 'misinformation" would be blocked and as conservatives have learned - it is often traditional Biblical values that are branded as such.  

The United Nations has made no secret of it's plans to have a global digital identity as part of it's Sustainable Development Goals set forth in Agenda 2030.  Some of the more controversial technologies already being talked about for maintaining such a digital ID system are chip implants that can be inserted into someone in chip form.  

You would then scan that chip id over an internet enabled device to gain access.  It has been suggested such chips could not only be used as a form of biometric identification but also incorporate a digital wallet (digital currency) and health records (vaccination records). 

Students of Bible prophecy have long warned that our society was slowly marching towards acceptance of technology that is described in the Book of Revelation.  Revelation 13 describes a time in which a 'mark' in the right hand or forehead would be used as both a symbol of identification with the Antichrist and a means to conduct commerce.  

Without that mark no one can buy or sell.  Agenda 2030 is still six years away but at the rate technology and society is changing, we may see such changes faster than anyone thought.  

Now is the time to get educated about what the Book of Revelation says about the end times.  Learn more about how the Antichrist plans to "Mark The Masses" - with the newest book from Pastor Thomas Hughes "Marking The Masses - Your Entire World Is About To Change" - available from our online store here.

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