School Assignment Asks Children To 'Declare Independence'... From Their Parents

News Image By Alex Newman/Harbinger's Daily February 07, 2024
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A government schoolteacher in Maine asked students to confess their "unconscious biases" and gave a homework assignment asking them to write a "Declaration of Independence" from "something problematic" in their lives such as ... "parents" or "authority" more broadly. Critics lambasted the exercise as part of a far left and "woke" indoctrination scheme.

The scandalous exercise, assigned by high-school "social studies" teacher Sara Hampton in Maine's Gorham school district, asked students to declare their independence from things in life that may be stressing them out. "Possible ideas" suggested by Hampton included parents, government, racism, sexism, homophobia, inequality, "any form of control/authority," and more.

"Now is your chance to officially declare yourself independent from something... anything!" read the assignment description. "Think of something that is problematic for you in your life. Free yourself from whatever is causing you stress, making you unhappy, something with which you struggle, or is difficult for you to deal with."

The only institution students are not allowed to declare independence from, the assignment continues, is school. The reason why is simple: The dangerous revolutionaries in control of the public "education" system are working to "liberate" the children from all forms of "oppression" (e.g parents) and isolate them by dismantling their identities, thereby becoming the main influence over their minds -- and deeds. It is a recipe for disaster. 

Educational liberty advocate Shawn McBreairty, host of the Maine Source of Truth podcast, first exposed the scandalous assignment on X, formerly known as Twitter. "This exercise teaches nothing but further narcissism," he explained, showing images of the homework. "Another 'teacher' who is nothing but a taxpayer paid activist for the far-left democrats. Pull your kids now."

The homework assignment was revealed as part of a public records request seeking all assignments by Hampton, the "social studies" teacher in question. It also exposed the teacher focusing on "institutionalized racism" and other anti-American talking points weaponized by Marxists to take down the nation. Eventually, the story was picked up by major media outlets including Fox News as the scandal continues to grow. 

Government schools are now openly teaching children to rebel against parents and other legitimate sources of authority. Meanwhile, they are indoctrinating those same children to submit to tyranny, Marxism, global governance, and other forms of illegitimate authority. It is not an accident. In fact, it is part of a broader strategic plan that will end in absolute horror if not stopped.  

Indoctrinating children to rebel against their parents and the "old" society is carefully calculated to unleash chaos and bloodshed. That may not be true of this individual brainwashed teacher, but it is certainly the plan of those who control the system and prepared her to radicalize her captive audience of impressionable children at taxpayer expense.

Mass murderers from Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin to Adolf Hitler all turned children against their parents as they weaponized the next generation for tyranny. The same phenomenon is now clearly taking place in the United States, and the results will be similar if parents and taxpayers do not put an end to it. The stakes could not be higher.

Originally published at Harbingers Daily

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