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Demographic Future Looks Bleak for Democrats As Red State Populations Surge November 20, 2024

Blue states are shedding population faster than ever and will have less representation in Congress and fewer votes in the Electoral College after the next census.

When The Woke Rule: Britain's Justice System Has Gone Mad November 20, 2024

A 12-year-old Jewish boy had counter-terrorism police come to interrogate him at his home for saying there "are only two genders" and for saying that Hamas should be "exterminated' while the police informed a man that saying "God bless you" is a crime, if it causes "distress" to someone who has a different belief - such as Muslims.

Scientists Decode World's Oldest Map: Points To Noah's Ark Location November 15, 2024

A discovery of absolutely epic proportions has just been revealed, but the corporate media in the United States almost entirely ignored it. A team of scientists led by Dr. Irving Finkel has deciphered the oldest map in the world, and we are being told that it actually reveals the location of Noah's Ark.

Debt and Decline: American Households Struggle Amid Widespread Business Failures November 15, 2024

Collectively, Americans now owe a record $1.17 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Credit card balances rose by $24 billion in the third quarter of 2024 and are 8.1% higher than a year ago.

Woke Injustice: Medical School Reserves 75% Of Its Seats For Equity Groups November 15, 2024

In Canada, are some students "more equal than others"? A new medical school is opening in Toronto, Canada, and it will "reserve 75 percent of its seats for Indigenous, Black, and other 'equity-deserving' groups, including 2SLGBTQ+

Transgender Pastor Claims Bible 'Wasn't Written For 2024' November 15, 2024

A California-based transgender pastor, Drew Stever, is stirring controversy after an interview with the Daily Mail in which he claimed, "the Bible wasn't written for 2024."

Global Internet at Risk? World Leaders Threaten to Disrupt Undersea Cables November 13, 2024

The U.S. is accusing Russia of preparing to cut undersea cables which carry Internet traffic all over the world, and Russia is accusing western powers of preparing to do the exact same thing. In some cases, these undersea cables literally stretch from one continent to another, and so it is impossible to guard them.

Has The Biden-Harris Administration Set A Recession Trap For Trump? November 13, 2024

The Biden-Harris administration has followed exactly the policies of the Greek, Spanish, and French socialists into an election year prior to their countries' crises. The strategy involves inflating the GDP through excessive government spending, creating an uncontrollable deficit during a period of economic recovery, and masking employment through government jobs financed by increased debt.

How Many Christian Churches Became Actively Opposed To God's Chosen People November 13, 2024

Mainline Protestant churches have, in many cases, abandoned their biblical foundations in favor of cultural and political alignment. They have prioritized social narratives over the timeless truths of Scripture, resulting in theological positions that alienate Israel and the Jewish people.

Canadian City Allows Remembrance Day Ceremony Honoring Slain Leader Of Hamas November 13, 2024

Throughout the month of November, poppies and the words "Lest We Forget" are displayed as a symbol of remembrance for those who fought and died in defense of our freedoms. However, to the pro-Palestinian activist, November is not for the remembrance of veterans who fought bravely in wars such as WWI and WWII but, instead, an opportunity to memorize the next generation of Nazis--those whose life mission is to eradicate Jews.

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