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As America's debt grows unchecked, the question isn't so much whether the U.S. dollar will falter but when. Seven key indicators signal trouble, painting a picture that suggests the dollar's days as the world's primary currency may be numbered.
The rise of automated license plate readers across the United States has triggered a growing wave of lawsuits, public outcry, and legislative debates, as concerns mount over their implications for privacy and civil liberties.
Canada's suicide activists and euthanasia advocates promised the public that the path to "medical aid in dying" would be a narrow path with high guardrails. They were lying. It is a four-lane highway, and there's nobody patrolling it.
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris continued her efforts to woo churchgoers on Sunday, just a few days after she ejected two rallygoers who exclaimed, "Jesus is Lord."
Israel, with a population less than a tenth of Iran’s, is engaged in an eight-front conflict with its arms supply gradually constricted by allies. International bodies that traditionally favor lawfare against Israel compound this, while Israel’s own defense establishment remains entrenched in a Western mentality that often overlooks the need for decisive victory.
In an era where political rhetoric has intensified, both sides of the aisle are expressing heightened fears about the stability of American democracy. A Scripps News/Ipsos poll reveals that over 60% of Americans believe violence on or after Election Day, November 5, is "somewhat" or "very likely."
A new survey shows that while most Americans think they know what "woke" means, they don't actually have a firm grasp of the concept behind the term.
Not all states offer early voting, and the states that do offer early voting differ as to what types of data they make available. So the numbers that we have right now do not give us a full picture of what is going on but from the numbers we do have they appear to be telling us a very interesting story.
In a remarkable fusion of ancient tradition and modern craftsmanship, a meticulously constructed replica of the biblical Ark of the Covenant was showcased in Jerusalem during the Sukkot holiday while a full-dress reenactment of the water libation, as it was performed in the Temple, was held in Jerusalem with several hundred participants led by Kohanim in priestly garb, accompanied by Levites playing musical instruments.
Members of the Democratic presidential ticket visited churches in the key swing states of Georgia and Michigan on Sunday. Although Walz acknowledged the interconnectedness of faith and politics, the church appearances only 16 days before Election Day seem more like an afterthought to a busy campaign, rather than a central feature.
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