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Progressive groups are once again attempting to reinterpret scripture through a warped lens, claiming the Bible is pro-transgender. In doing so they have twisted scripture to label eunuchs as "ancestors of trans people" and argued that Deborah's leadership role in the book of Judges is an example of "queer" gender performance.
Turkey is actively working to reshape Syria's political and military landscape, aligning it with Ankara's strategic interests and reflecting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's broader neo-Ottoman ambitions. Such a path may further the Ezekiel 38 scenario in which an alliance of nations including Turkey attacks Israel.
The fact that economic conditions are getting worse is certainly not good news, but it is better to know in advance what is coming. The following are 11 signs that the slow-motion collapse of the U.S. economy is far more advanced than most people think...
A committee of the Virginia Association of Realtors says that Wilson Fauber, a realtor and broker, committed hate speech when he reposted a Bible verse Franklin Graham shared.
"Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'". The Apostle Paul's words took root in the hearts of Bible-reading Christians, who donate more money to charity than any other group of Americans, according to a new study. The more faithful the Christian, the more likely he proved to help those in need, and to give more money.
The Biden-Harris administration did not prosecute a single one of the hundreds of attacks against churches that took place despite a law designed to protect houses of worship. Even as violence and vandalism against churches and pro-life centers skyrocketed over the last two years, 92% of Biden administration cases instead used that law targeted pro-life advocates.
When we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are celebrating one of the most improbable miracles in all of human history. You see, the truth is that not just anyone could have showed up and claimed to be the Messiah.
As President Joe Biden prepares to leave office in January, his administration's legacy of surging inflation has delivered another year of increased Christmas food prices for Americans.
The Palestinian Jesus was borne out of a faulty theology known as Christian Palestinianism. This agenda aims at re-writing history to take everything Jewish out of the Bible, including Jesus' Jewish heritage and identity.
Following advances made by the euthanasia agenda in the United Kingdom, Ireland is now slated to consider legalizing "assisted dying," despite the concerns raised by Christians.
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