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Zondervan's newest NIV study Bible is unlike other Bibles in that it includes elements of theological and gender diversity. As such, Christians should be aware this could be called a DEI Bible.
Now that the ceasefire deal is signed, several major strategic questions remain. The answers to these questions will determine whether or not this bad hostage deal was a deal worth making.
We are facing an unprecedented retirement crisis in this nation. Millions upon millions of Baby Boomers are retiring, and most of them are struggling.
"Being politically liberal and being highly religious are just not compatible," wrote Ryan Burge, an associate professor of Political Science at Eastern Illinois University. "Among white people who never attend: 45% are liberal. Among weekly+ attenders: 11% are liberal. That same pattern is there for every single racial group."
Pushing for this hostage deal will, as reports of its terms indicate, almost certainly lead to a revival of Hamas control of Gaza. That is only setting up both Jerusalem and Washington for future problems that will test both Trump's support for Israel and his commendable preference for no wars.
His boastful address at the State Department when he made the astounding claim that he had improved America's standing in the world, strengthened alliances and weakened foes was a classic exercise in denial, if not completely delusional.
The U.S. government is currently constructing the most colossal monument in the history of the world. It is a monument of debt, and we will forever be remembered as the nation that piled up far more debt than anyone else ever did. For decades, this generation has been recklessly spending the money of future generations of Americans.
During its four years in office, the Biden-Harris administration conducted a whole-of-government attempt to surveil, censor, and possibly imprison conservative Christians -- and the FBI acted as "a witting participant" in their harassment campaign, a massive new government report details.
The conventional wisdom in the political arena is that "personnel is policy"--meaning that the people surrounding a leader ultimately help shape policy. Perhaps nowhere is that more evident than in a president's appointments.
However one finesses the diplomatic and defense dilemmas here, there is one additional grand security calculus that seems absent from public discourse: the piercingly high price of releasing many Palestinian terrorists from Israeli jails which will be part of any deal.
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