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The Long March Of The Lemmings - Will We Follow Progressives Off The Cliff? March 05, 2024

The weird rage of progressives proves that everything they achieve only makes them more miserable. Even when once-great empires hoist the rainbow flag, their hatred of the civilization they call home only burns hotter, and they insist that everything is somehow worse.

Escalation Towards An Independent Terrorist State Should Worry Us All March 05, 2024

Both Blinken and Cameron reveal their simplistic, and somewhat imperialist, Western approach to a complex Middle Eastern situation, irrespective of the aims and intentions of the two parties chiefly involved: the radical Islamists of Gaza and the West Bank, and the State of Israel itself.

Religious 'Nones' Are the Product of a 'Post-Christian, Religiously Confused Age March 05 ,2024

The Pew Research Center recently released data about the religious "nones" in America. The poll tried to uncover more about this enigmatic group and what it is they believe.

Why Are Billionaires Selling Off Stocks And Building Massive Survival Bunkers? February 29, 2024

If you want to determine what people believe, don't listen to what they say. Rather, closely watch what they actually do, Many of our most famous billionaires have been doing things that indicate that they are extremely concerned about what is coming in the future.

Has Google Created An AI Frankenstein? February 29, 2024

We have learned just how extremist Google's Gemini really is, not to mention how long Google apparently says it will take to fix things. This leads to the question: has Google created an AI Frankenstein?

Parents Warned Most Mental Health Professionals Will Push Transgenderism On Kids 

Many parents struggle to navigate mental health issues and now find themselves demonized by the very professionals who they trust to help their kids.

US Obsession With Two-State Solution Is 'Delusional' February 29, 2024

Pushing for a Palestinian state now "would serve as the most powerful form of confirmation that the Iranian strategy of violence, chaos and genocidal terrorism is the only path to vindicating the rights of Muslims"

State Dept Focuses On Misgendering While Border & Middle East Tensions Build February 29, 2024

As the U.S. faces a rapidly deteriorating situation in the Middle East and a worsening crisis at its own southern border, the State Department is ensuring that staffers don't "misgender" one another.

More Signs In The Heavens, Not Just The Great Eclipse February 27, 2024

So why am I so concerned about what is going on in the heavens? In Luke 21:25, Jesus specifically told us that we should watch for "signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars" just prior to His return. Very soon it's about to get interesting up there.

Transgender Basketball Player Injures 3 Female Players, Team Forfeits Game February 27, 2024

The women and girls in swimming, track and field, golf, volleyball, dance, cross country, and other sports, are repeatedly defeated by men. For some, this alone is enough to demand a change. But when women losing to men isn't enough to spark change, many are asking if women being hurt by men, which has happened repeatedly over the last few years, will prove to be the final straw.

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