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All of a sudden, everything has changed. Israeli troops have entered southern Lebanon, Iran has fired hundreds of missiles into the land of Israel, and it appears that all-out war has arrived.
Netanyahu and the IDF have reminded the world--and most specifically, Washington and the Europeans--that wars can be won. And the way they are won is by killing the enemy, not by making concessions to genocidal terrorists in diplomatic agreements.
Government leaders representing the UN's 193 member states adopted a massive "Pact for the Future" that escalates and reinvigorates longtime efforts to indoctrinate children worldwide. And of course, the entire scheme was justified under the guise of helping "future generations."
Israelis believe that the Biden administration does not share or support Israel's war goals and are almost unanimous in their support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision not to coordinate the airstrike that targeted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah with the Biden administration in advance.
Bible prophecy tells us that in the "latter days," a group of nations will form a massive military coalition and invade Israel. One of those regions includes Sudan.
The International Longshoremen's Association port workers are on the verge of initiating a strike which would shut down ports all over the East Coast and the Gulf Coast, and if that strike lasts long enough it will throw U.S. supply chains into a state of complete and utter chaos.
A lot of big names have been killed in the Middle East during the past 12 months, but the death of Hassan Nasrallah is something completely different.
It's not news that young people are further on the left of the political spectrum than older generations. Of unique interest now is that the movement to the left is more disproportionate among young women than young men.
Israel today finds itself standing increasingly alone as the world rejects its right to defend itself against genocidal enemies. And as the United States heads to elections in November, Israelis are worried that a Kamala Harris presidency would further isolate Israel.
Recent airstrikes have not only taken out almost the whole of Hezbollah's command structure but have also strategically crippled its ability to fire rockets and missiles, reducing its planned mass barrages to much smaller attacks.
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