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Restaurant Apocalypse Is Starting To Sweep Across Nation As Americans Cut Back May 14, 2024

You can get a really good idea how the U.S. economy is doing by watching restaurants in your area. Americans under the age of 40 love to eat out, but these days most of them are experiencing financial stress, and this is having an enormous impact on the restaurant industry.

Just In Time For The Election - Biden Preparing Another Online Censorship Plan May 14, 2024

Just in time for November's presidential election, federal agencies are reportedly restarting their censorship collaboration with tech and internet giants to stop 'disinformation' - in other words anything critical of the Biden administration.

The World's Upside-Down Response To Oct. 7 Gets Worse With Each Passing Week May 14, 2024

In what world does it make sense for the president of the United States, 143 countries in the United Nations, and American schoolchildren to take the side of proven terrorists against the country trying to defend itself against those terrorists?

How Bad Is The US Weapons Freeze For Israel? May 14, 2024

Diplomatic shockwaves have been traveling between Washington and Jerusalem in the aftermath of a paused weapons shipment that was due to arrive in Israel last week.

The Mass Exodus To "Red America" May 10, 2024

In recent years we have literally seen millions of Americans relocate from blue states to red states. In some cases, there is simply a desire to be around other like-minded people. In other cases, specific political policies that have been enacted in certain states have motivated large numbers of people to relocate.

The "Soft Landing" Lie: A Global Economic Slowdown Is Already Underway  May 10, 2024

The IMF has recently noted the signs of global slowdown but, as usual, they argue that a "soft landing" is imminent. In other words, they claim there will be no serious repercussions for the economy. They do mention one interesting caveat in their analysis - The danger of global conflicts "derailing" the supposed recovery.

The End Of Helping Boys Become Men: Boyscouts Rebrands In Name Of 'Inclusivity' May 10, 2024

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said, "The Boy Scouts should have considered the Cicada Scouts for their new name, because they have become nothing more than a hollow shell of what they once were." He added, "The Boy Scouts will now stand as a prophetic reminder of the cost of moral compromise."

Female Athletes Are Forfeiting Rather Than Compete Against Trans-Identified Men May 10, 2024

Female sporting events remain one of the key conflicts in the transgender culture war touching nearly every aspect of public life.

If Terrorism 'Works,' Why Stop? Biden's Push for PA State Will Bring More Terror May 10, 2024

Biden, by reconfirming that terrorism "works," will embolden all the other terrorists. Just keep on terrorizing everyone, and, when your demands are met, keep on increasing and hardening them. After all, if terrorism "works," why stop?

7 Reasons You Should Study Bible Prophecy May 08, 2024

Why does bible prophecy matter? As a Christian, why should you spend any time studying it? It's sad to say, but many Christians (including countless "church leaders") say bible prophecy doesn't matter. Many of them say you shouldn't study it at all. Why?

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