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Hostility Towards Christianity Increasing In U.S. And Europe May 01, 2024

When Christian couples are denied a foster care license because their faith is at odds with gender ideology or fifth graders are prevented from starting an interfaith prayer club at school, these are critical reminders that religious freedom isn't something we can take for granted -- it must be defended.

Cashless Society Soon: 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting Digital Currency May 01, 2024

Imagine a world where your ability to spend money can be limited to certain retailers, certain services, certain products and chosen regions based on your politics, your social credit score and your background. If digital currencies are introduced you could be looking at all the above and much more.

Survey: Roughly Half Of Gen Z Voters Are Sympathetic to Hamas May 01, 2024

Considering the amount of anti-Semitism displayed on college campuses in recent months, the news that a survey found roughly half of Gen Z voters "are sympathetic toward Hamas" is, for many, not a shock.

One Month Until WHO Pandemic Agreement Usurps U.S. Sovereignty April 29, 2024

Americans stand just weeks away from handing over massive amounts of taxpayer funding, protective equipment intended for U.S. citizens, and an incalculable amount of influence over U.S. policy to the World Health Organization (WHO), critics warn.

Levites Tune Up In Anticipation Of The Third Temple April 29, 2024

Levites recently gathered in Jerusalem to reenact their musical role in the Temple. A group of about two dozen Levites gathered in the Old City to practice their singing while wearing garments designed for use by the Temple musicians in the Third Temple.

Bank of America Confronted For Canceling Conservative Bank Accounts April 29, 2024

Last week, a group of 15 state attorneys general sent a letter to the second largest bank in the U.S. demanding a report about its account policies and practices following a pattern of denied services and canceled accounts that appeared to target groups "for political and religious reasons."

Pro-Palestine Campus Mobs - A Movement Steeped In Ignorance April 29, 2024

What is lacking in the coverage and most of the discourse is that--as interviews with them show--most of the students even at a school like Columbia can't really explain why they are against Israel except by mindlessly repeating slogans about racism and oppression that have nothing to do with the facts on the ground in the Middle East or patent falsehoods about "genocide" in Gaza

Security Experts: Only A Matter Of Time Before Cyberattack Takes Down Power Grid April 26, 2024

What would you do if the power grid where you live went down and there was no electricity for an extended period of time? You might want to think about that, because experts are warning that it is just a matter of time before cyberattacks successfully cripple our power grids.

Biden Blesses The Unthinkable By Making Sign Of The Cross At Pro-Abortion Rally April 26, 2024

Joe Biden has now invoked a Higher Power in his battle with Pro-Life opponents as he continues to twist scripture so that evil is good and good is evil.

Germany Passes Radical Law Allowing Parents To Trans Their Infants From Birth April 26, 2024

The Bundestag, or the German Parliament, "passed one of the world's most far-reaching sex self-determination policies" known as The Self-Determination Act. This radical legislation "establishes 'gender identity' as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change the sex marker on their children's documents from birth

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